Don't Wanna Perish

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The next morning I woke up with such a bad hangover, I don’t think it’s possible for me to even function today. When I flipped over I got a face full of hair and as I slowly opened my eyes I noticed the hair was brown, not blonde. I then quickly picked my head up and saw Abby was lying beside me. Shit. I sat up and rubbed my hands over my face, I looked under the covers to see I was only wearing my briefs, well I wasn’t completely naked. I looked over at Abby and noticed she was fully clothed which caused me to let out a sigh of relief. I went to get out bed and when I turned around Niall was sitting, awake, in his bed smiling at me.

“What?” I groaned to him as I grabbed my shirt off the ground.

“Nothing,” Niall said, but I knew he was lying.

“What happened last night?” I asked him while I pulled my jeans on.

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

“Abby throwing a wing at my face when I jokingly called her a bitch,” I told him with amusement in my voice.

“Well for starters, you and Abby were hanging off of each other all night. You two went up and sang that Barbie girl song and Call Me Maybe, it was the funniest thing ever, by the way,” Niall said in between his fits of laughter at the memories of last night. Thank God, nothing happened between Abby and I because that’s not really how I want us to reconnect. “Oh! And you and Abby had your tongues down each other’s throats the whole ride back. But that’s all you two did.”

“Fuck! That’s not how I wanted things to happen,” I said with my face in my hands.

“What to happen?”

“I didn’t want to let Abby know I still love her by making out with her when I was drunk. I wanted to talk to her about it, sober,” I, pointedly, told Niall.

“You could still tell her you know,” Niall said and quickly looked up at him.

“What do you mean?”

“You can still tell Abby you love her,” Niall said while he adjusted his position on his bed.

“I’m with Taylor.”

“None of us like her, Harry. You need to figure that out, and I know you don’t like her either,” Niall said and let out a frustrated groan.

“How do you know I don’t like her? I’ve never told anyone that,” I said to him, with the roll of my eyes.

“Because, you don’t touch her. Sure, you pull out her chairs and make jokes with her but you don’t claim her. When you were dating Abby it was impossible to get your hands off of her. Even if you just had your arm around her chair, or resting on her leg, you were touching her. You always stole kisses from her and I haven’t seen you kiss Taylor yet. Last night, when Taylor left, I saw the old Harry come to life again, and the whole reason for you coming back to life was the girl sitting in bed with you, right now. She makes you happy, because when you’re with her a smile never leaves your face, and when you’re with Taylor you look like you need to take a shit,” Niall said while throwing his arms in the air.

“That doesn’t mean anything, Niall,” I told him while I stood up from the bed.

“It means everything, Harry. Abby is sitting here watching you parade around New York with Taylor, and Abby’s just sitting back sobbing in her feelings because she still loves you! And I know you know she still loves you because you wouldn’t be in this room right now.”

“Niall that isn’t true,” I told him.

“Then get out because I’m not gonna let you sit here and tear my best friend’s heart apart, more than you’ve already done,” Niall said as he pointed at the door. My mouth fell open as I stared at one of my best friends. He wasn’t budging so I stood up and walked over to the door.

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