Spotlight Shines Upon You

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“Babe will you calm down!” I said as I pulled into a parking spot at the O2 arena. Tonight was the night for the Coldplay concert that I bought Abby and I tickets for.

“I’m sorry, I’m just SO excited!” Abby said as she bounced in the passenger seat. “I looked up reviews of this tour online and I read such good comments!”

“You’re a dork,” I told her as I pulled the keys from the ignition. “Come on, let’s go dance our hearts away.”

“You’ll dance with me?!” She screeched as she pushed the door open and climbed out. I met her in the middle of the parking spot and grabbed her hand.

“Well of course,” I said as I placed a kiss on her knuckles.

“I can’t thank you enough for getting these tickets, Har,” Abby said as she anxiously pulled me along.

“Don’t. I just wanna kick start our vacation the proper way,” I told her as I pulled her back and into my side.

“It’s not a vacation, babe. It’s for work,” she snarkily told me.

“It’s a work vacation because we’re going to Italy,” I told her as I gave her a little squeeze.

“Come on, walk faster, we’re running late for the show! I don’t want to miss a minute of it!” She exclaimed as she started to run for the arena entrance. I picked up my pace and chased after her, she was like a little kid on Christmas morning.

The opening acts just finished playing their sets and we were currently waiting for Coldplay to walk on. We were in the standing only area, and I was burning up! With all the dancing we’ve been doing and the amount of bodies in such an enclosed area I was expecting to sweat a bit but surely not this much.

“I hope they play my favorite song,” Abby said from in front of me, pulling my attention away from how much sweat I was covered in.

“What’s your favorite song, love?” I said into her ear, making sure she heard me.

“It’s a secret,” she said with a mischievous smile on her face.

“Secrets are unhealthy for relationships,” I jokingly told her. She responded by glaring at me while sticking her tongue out. A few seconds later the lights in the arena started to dim, which is the universal signal of the main act coming on. Abby bounced on her heels in excitement as Coldplay ran out on stage.

Half way through the set and I was exhausted but on an adrenaline rush from all the excitement Coldplay was giving off. They just wrapped up playing ‘Princess of China.’

“What a blast this is, London!” Chris Martin yelled into the microphone, and the whole arena erupted with screams.

“Now, we’re going to slow things down a bit with a song I haven’t played in a while, but tonight we have a special guest with us. Anyone wanna take a guess as to who it is?” Chris said, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Alright, alright, I’ll tell ya. Harry Styles is in the building!” Chris yelled and the crowd went into a frantic frenzy of screams. Abby snapped her head around and stared at me.

“Anyways. This next song is titled ‘Green Eyes’ and it’s Harry’s birds favorite song. So let’s all sing together now!” Chris said and went into playing the song.

“You know my favorite Coldplay song?” Abby asked me as she swayed to the words.

“Yeah, I guessed because you always play it in the car.”

“Thank you,” she said and pecked me on the cheek. “Wanna know why it’s my favorite?” She asked and I simply nodded my head. “Because when I hear it I think of you, and your enchanting emerald green eyes, and how I feel about you.”

I crashed my lips down on hers in one swift movement. In this moment I knew I was going to spend forever with her. “I love you so much,” I told her as I pulled away from the kiss and bumped her nose with mine.

“I love you too,” she said quietly, resting her forehead against mine. After that moment, we focused back to the concert, but there was a different feeling in the air. We were both anxious to get back to her place, so we could ravish this moment.

After the concert ended we walked out to the lobby and got in line to get a shirt. We were almost to the front when Abby announced she needed to pee and told which shirt she wanted. I was two people from the front when I saw Abby waiting for me off to the side, arms crossed over her chest. We made faces at each other for a little bit until I was next in line. As I waited for the man behind the counter to get my shirts I looked over at Abby and saw men, probably around Abby’s age, approach her. Jealousy bubbled inside my stomach as I handed the money over for the shirts and walked over to Abby. As I got closer to her I could tell the man was flirting with her, and Abby was responding the same way.

“Here you go, love,” I said to Abby, with a bit of distaste as I handed her the shirt she wanted.

“Harry! Thank you, babe,” she said and gave me a peck of the lips, as I was unresponsive to it. When she pulled away she gave me a weird look and I just stared ahead of me.

“Who’s this?” I asked as I motioned to the guy still standing by us.

“OH! This is Henry, we were just talking about the concert while you waited in line. His boyfriend is also waiting in line,” Abby informed me. Then it struck me, she said boyfriend, he’s gay and I’m stupid.

“Yeah? It was a great show,” I said to both of them. We talked for a few more minutes until Henry’s boyfriend joined us and we parted ways.

“You got jealous didn’t you?” Abby said as we walked back to the car.

“Well when you dress like you are now, sometimes I can’t help but get jealous when other guys approach, gay or not.”

“What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” Abby asked, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“You’re showing a bit of skin, don’t you think? I mean your legs are almost fully exposed, and not to mention your stomach is showing,” I told her as I held her car door open for her.

“So you’re saying I look like a slut?” She asked once I climbed into the driver’s seat.

“That’s not what I sai—“

“That’s exactly what you implied, Harry!” Abby said, her voice growing louder.

“No! How can you go out looking like you do and not expect to get any attention from guys?!” I screamed as I drove in the London traffic.

“Because I’m a woman that’s in love with her boyfriend!” Abby yelled as a tear fell from her eye.

“What does that have to do with anything?!” I yelled in her face. She moved her head back in fear.

“Take me home,” she quietly stated as she looked out the front window of my car. After 10 minutes of silence we finally arrived at Abby’s complex and she slowly got out of my car.

“Being in love with you has everything to do with the way I dress. I’m in love with you, so I want to dress nice to impress YOU and have your eyes on me, because no other guy’s attention is more important than yours,” Abby said just before she shut the door. I watched her walk into the building but not before greeting the night guy and looking back at me with tears down her face. I adverted my attention to the street as I pulled away from the curb and started the drive back to my flat.

“What just happened?” I said under my breath as I stopped at a red light.

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