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I was currently kneeling on Harry’s bed and shaking his sleeping body.

“WAKE UP!” I screeched, but all Harry did was put the spare pillow over his ears. I huffed and carefully stood up and began jumping up and down on his mattress.

“HAROLD! PLEASE WAKE UP!” I yelled and he only groaned, how is he NOT waking up? If it were me I’d kill him for doing this.

“That’s it, you asked for it mister,” I said and began belting out the words to Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’, also known as the song Harry hates the most. I’d just gotten past the first chorus when Harry abruptly sat up and pushed me down causing me to roll off the bed and onto the hardwood floor. “Second time in the past twenty four hours that I’ve ended up on the floor because of you,” I muttered as I sat up and peeked my head over the edge of the mattress where I saw an angry, tired Harry staring at me.

“What the bloody hell, Abs?!” Harry said as he wiped the sleep from his eyes.

“You slept through breakfast, it’s almost noon and I’m bored,” I whined to him as I crawled onto the mattress and planted myself in his lap.

“Well yeah, I’m tired. You kept tossing and turning last night,” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder and quickly kissed my cheek. A smile forming on my face at the gesture.

“I’m sorry. This is bed is just foreign and it takes me awhile to get used to beds. If I would have been drunk or completely exhausted I wouldn’t have moved but I was sober and barely tired,” I mumbled to him as I played with the curls on the back of his head.

“It’s okay, love. I understand. So what does Abby want to do since she’s bored?” Harry asked, sounding more awake.

“Well I was hoping we could go into town? I saw some shops that I want to go venture into and see if I find things I like,” I asked him and he took a moment to think about it.

“Okay, we can do that. We need to leave in three hours though so why don’t we take our things with us?” He asked as he lifted my small frame off his lap and placed me next to him. He stalked over to his bag and bent over to grab some of his things so he could shower. I quickly reached over to the ground to grab my camera and snapped a picture of Harry before he straightened himself back up with his shower products in his hand.

“Did you just snap a picture of me?” He casually asked with a playful smirk on his face, and I nodded my head to confirm that I did. “Does it look good?” He asked and I quickly pulled the photo up on my camera and observed it.

“Actually, it’s really good. Who knows, maybe I’ll put it in the gallery,” I muttered to myself and Harry walked over to look at it himself.

“It’s just a boring picture, I don’t get it,” Harry said as he sat on the edge of the mattress, forgetting he was going to shower. “How do you get so much from that photo?” He pondered.

“I don’t know. I guess I view things differently than most. The way you’re standing; muscles tensed in your back, a look of focus set on your face, and your hair a mess just kind of gives off this disheveled feel to the photo,” I gushed, not taking my eyes off the photo as I pointed out the details. When I looked up I could tell Harry was having a hard time seeing it. “Let me put it this way, it looks like you’re having a rough awakening,” I told him with a hint of laughter in my voice as I watched it click inside his head.

“I see. Well, I’m going to go shower, I’ll be back shortly and we can head out, okay?” He asked as he stood up and I gave him a firm nod.

An hour later Harry and I found ourselves walking around his hometown, hand in hand, looking in all the small shops. I had a few bags in my hand, as I found some clothes I liked, Harry as well.

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