Lay Your Weary Head To Rest

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I woke up to someone’s phone blaring like crazy for the third time in a row, I looked beside me at Abby and saw she was still asleep then looked at my bedside table and saw her phone lighting up with her grandmas name flashing on the screen. I quickly picked the phone up seeing as it was 4 in the morning and brought the phone to my ear.

“Hello? Abby’s phone this is Harry,” I said with sleep evident in my voice.

“Harry? Can you wake Abby up it’s an emergency,” Her gran’s voice rang through the telly and not asking any questions I did what I was told.

“Abby sweetheart, wake up. It’s your grandma, she says its an emergency,” I said while I shook Abby awake.

“Wha?” Abby said as she sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and looked at my clock. “Harry it’s four in the morning!” She yelled and I gave her the phone.

“Hello?” She said into the phone, confused. “Gran slow down! What happened?”

She sat there silent for a few minutes before she spoke again, her voice shaking.

“I’ll be on the next flight home okay? Gran I need you to stay calm, I love you and I’ll see you later on today,” Abby said and hung up the phone. She broke down crying and immediately got out of my bed and pulled her clothing on without telling me a word.

“Love, what happened?” I hesitantly asked her. She turned to face me as she pulled her leggings on, and tears were streaming down her face.

“My gramps had a stroke.” That’s all she said and that was all she needed to say, I quickly hopped out of my bed and brought the brunette into my arms.

“I’ll drive you to the airport,” I said into her hair as she sobbed into my shoulder. “Everything will be okay, Abs.”

I held her for another minute before letting her go and getting dressed myself, in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. Abby gathered her things and went outside and climbed into her car while I climbed into mine to follow her to her flat. We arrived to her flat and she immediately took the stairs to her floor instead of the lift and I was hot on her heels. She threw her door open and ran to her bedroom where she pulled a suitcase out and began throwing articles of clothing into it that she would need before running into her bathroom and grabbing her cosmetics. She started yelling and screaming about how she couldn’t find things and she had tears flowing from her eyes. I stopped her in her tracks and enveloped her in a hug.

“Abby, just take a breath,” I told her as I held her head against my chest and she sobbed.

“H-h-harry, I can’t lose him,” she said in between sobs and I held her closer.

“You’re not going to, but you need to relax. Your frazzled and going mad, just relax you are going to get there,” I said as I pulled her away and kept her at arm’s length and started wiping away her tears. “Can you do that for me?” I asked her and she sadly nodded her head. She continued packing at a much more relaxed pace as I made her coffee for her, French vanilla brew, one sugar and lots of French vanilla cream. I brought it to her as she changed into more comfortable clothing and smiled when I saw she was wearing my sweatpants and one of my old Jack Wills hoodie’s.

“Shit!” She yelled and I gave her a look of confusion. “What am I going to do about Sage? I can’t board her at this hour, I am not taking her with me, and in order to board her she needs her boardetella shot!” She exclaimed as her hands flew into her hair and started pulling at it in frustration. I pulled her hands away from her hair and kept them in mine.

“Don’t worry about Sage, I’ll take care of that for you. Let’s just get you to the airport,” I told her and she nodded her head. I grabbed her suitcase and she grabbed her laptop bag and carry-on bag as we walked out of her flat. She locked the door then handed me the key to her flat.

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