She's Suddenly Cool

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It was a rainy, cold day in London and in three days I would be basking in the beautiful sights of Australia, and I could not wait. I’ve spent all day going around to shops and meeting up with my boss, to discuss the jobs details, all day and I was almost finished. I decided I wanted to treat myself and go to Topshop to purchase some new clothes for the trip. Just as I was stepping out of my car I was surrounded by a small group of girls and it threw me off guard.

“Um, can I help you?” I said to the group of about 10 young girls.

“Are you Abby? Harry’s girlfriend?” One girl, a blonde, asked me, with a sincere smile on her face.

“Yes, that’s me. You know Harry is on tour in the states right now, yes?” I curiously asked them as I adjusted my bag on my shoulder after placing my keys in it.

“Yeah we do! We’re here to see you!” A small, ginger haired, girl exclaimed to me. I instantly grew confused as to why they might want to see me.

“How’d you know I’d be here?”

“We saw you tweet a bit ago that you were going to go buy yourself some new things! So we figured you’d be coming this way, and here you are!” One girl in the back of the group yelled.

“Not to be rude or anything, but why’d you want to come see me if you know Harry is on tour?” I curiously asked as I started to relax around some of Harry’s fans.

“Because, we like you and Harry together. You’ll have us crackin’ up when you both tweet one another, like little school girls! We also feel like you’re the easiest girlfriend to meet because you aren’t always with the lads!” The blonde, that spoke earlier, said to me.

“You just seem really down to earth, we love Danielle and Eleanor too but we feel you’re the most normal one. You aren’t a professional dancer or a model; instead, you’re behind the lenses!” Another girl exclaimed to me.

“Wait, you all know I’m a photographer?” I asked them and, in reply, they nodded their heads. “How did you find that out?” I asked, curiously.

“We read it on some online articles and Harry tweeted something about you getting a really awesome photography gig!”

I stood there for another ten minutes talking to the girls because they seemed like nice fans, you know not like the crazy ones Harry will tell me about. When I looked down at my watch I saw what time it was and decided I needed to finish up my errands so I could get back to my apartment and cook dinner.

“Girls, as much as I’d love to stand here and chat with you some more, I have to finish up my errands for the day and get back to my apartment. So if you’ll excuse me I’m just going to head inside here,” I told them while I pointed to the store.

“Wait! Abby before you go, do you think we could get pictures with you?” The same blonde asked, and all the other girls agreed with her by nodding their heads. I let out a sigh and turned to them all.

“I don’t see why not,” I told them and spent the next fifteen minutes taking photos with each of the girls and giving them hugs goodbye. Once I finished I quickly went into the clothing store and let out a huge sigh of relief, finally ridding myself from the attention. It, honestly, felt weird receiving attention like that without Harry by my side, because that’s never happened before. I quickly let the previous event slip my mind as I walked around the store grabbing numerous items I liked. After some amount of time my phone started to vibrate in my back pocket and when I slid it out I saw Harry’s face flashing on the screen, I swiped my thumb across the screen and brought the phone to my ear.

“Jack’s whorehouse, you got the dough we got the hoe. This is Abby, how can I please you?” I, jokingly, said into the phone. I heard Harry’s laughter erupt through the phone and I immediately smiled at the familiar sound.

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