Wanna Call You Mine

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I was abruptly woken up by being shoved onto the ground and when I opened my eyes I instantly shut them again as the light gave me a pounding headache.

“Harry, get up,” I heard Abby sternly say and I was suddenly confused. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed I was in Abby’s room.

“How did I get here?” I asked out in the open.

“You got a cab from the club,” she spoke with irritation in her voice. Then it dawned on me…I crashed her night.

“Abby I’m so sorry! I drank too much I didn’t mean to ruin your night,” I pleaded to her but she just walked away from me and into her kitchen. “Are the girls still here? I can go apologize to them.”

“No they left ten minutes ago,” she flatly said as she fixed up her coffee and tossed me a bottle of water and Advil.

“Are you mad?” I hesitantly asked.

“Little bit,” she said as she sauntered past me and back into her room. I followed her and she began picking out her clothes for the day and setting them out.

“Love, I’m sorry, I got carried away,” I said to her but she continued to ignore me and I began to get mad. “Abby stop!” I yelled and she stopped in her track and looked at me.

“Don’t yell in my apartment,” she calmly said.

“I hate being ignored when I’ve done something wrong,” I said to her and closed the space between us. “I’m sorry for ruining your night when I said I wouldn’t come over. When I get drunk I just do whatever comes to mind and apparently I wanted to snuggle,” I said to her while taking her hand in mine.

“Apology accepted, but to make up for it you are sleeping alone tonight,” she said with a faint smile on her face. “You’re really childish when your drunk by the way, it was really annoying.”

“So I’ve been told, sorry you had to put up with me,” I told her as I pushed a piece of hair out of her face and brought my lips on top of hers.

“It’s okay, you’re lucky you’re cute though. Otherwise your ass would have been on the street,” Abby joked as she went into her bathroom to get ready for her day.

“You have a shoot to do today right?” I asked her as I sat on her counter.


“When does it let out?” I asked her as I watched her apply her make up.

“At five,” she said after thinking about it.

“So I’ll pick you up at seven then for our date?”

“You got it,” she said as she finished up and walked back into her bedroom to change out of her pajamas. As she pulled her shoes on I pulled on my clothes from last night since all I had here were sweatpants and dirty shirts, in plus I know Abby likes wearing them so I didn’t want to take them. We both finished getting dressed and walked out of her flat hand in hand. Once we got to her work building I pulled her into a hug and inhaled her minty scent.

“I’ll see you later love,” I said to her and pressed my lips against hers in a quick peck.

“Bye Harold,” she said as she skipped into the building. I decided I would walk to my place instead of getting a cab to take me seeing as it was a nice day out today and I wanted to soak in all the glory. After walking for a bit I pulled my phone out and checked Twitter, I noticed Abby tweeted about a minute ago.

@AbbyEGrimes: Don’t particularly like taking care of drunk people but it’s a plus when they’re sweet like sugar.

I laughed at her tweet, knowing she was talking about me, and decided to do a tweet that wouldn’t give anything away.

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