See The Signs

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“Oh my god, Harry!! That is vile!” I yelled as I covered my nose and rolled down the window to his car.

“What on earth are you talking about?” He joked as he rolled his window down as well.

“Your fart! How does one produce such a horrid smell!?” I exclaimed with laughter.

“I’m only human, love,” Harry told me as he grabbed my hand that was resting on the center console and brought it to his lips.

It was currently early afternoon and Harry and I were headed to Cheshire to visit his mum and step-dad. Harry had me pack an overnight bag so I’m assuming we will be staying the night with them as well. Makes sense because it’s a three hour drive from London and it’ll be late when we head back. Safety first. I was actually excited though because it’s been awhile since I’ve seen his family, and they’re so kind. I love visiting with them, I last saw them before Harry left for tour when we had a little going away gathering and I especially can’t wait to see Gemma.

“You’re my favorite human,” I told him with a grin on my face. He looked over at me and winked, the simple action making my heart flutter.

“Are you excited for a nice home cooked meal?” He asked me, eyes focused on the road in front of him.

“Oh, yes! You know it, babe.”

“You and your food. She’s making her special biscuits just for you, and they’ll be hot and fresh by the time we walk through the door,” Harry told me, squeezing my hand a little bit. Something I noticed he likes to do, I’ve always wondered why but never felt like asking because I don’t want him to stop.

“So, the Coldplay concert is tomorrow night, when were you going to tell me we were going?” I smugly asked him as I put my feet up on the dashboard.

“How do you know about that?” He asked, incredulously.

“A little leprechaun told me,” I told him, he looked over at me and busted out in laughter.

“That was a good one, love!” Harry said once he’d calmed down. “Niall is such a wanker. It was supposed to be a surprise,” Harry confessed.

“Well thank you. You didn’t have to get them,” I told him.

“I know, but I wanted to,” Harry told me, while again squeezing my hand.

“How come?”

“We haven’t gone on a date in a while, and I know you love Coldplay and I do too. So I thought it’d be perfect,” Harry told me and I couldn’t help but smile. He always wanted to go out and do stuff with me and I loved that about him. Other past boyfriends of mine always wanted to stay inside and have a movie night and cook dinner, but not Harry. He wanted to go out and show me off, and it may sound conceited but I love being shown off, it shows the boy cares for me.

“Well thank you,” I told him and leaned over the center console to place a kiss on his cheek, but the sneaky devil turned his head and quickly pressed his lips to mine. “Sneaky thing.”

The next two hours were spent with mild conversation flowing in between us and the light sounds of the radio playing in the background. We finally pulled into the driveway of Harry’s mum’s place and Anne, Joe and Gemma piled out of the house and approached the car. I went to Anne first and enveloped her in a hug, then I went to Joe and then I tightly embraced Gemma in a big bear hug.

“Hello love!” Gemma exclaimed as we rocked each other back and forth.

“Hey,” I said in between giggles at how excited the girl was to see me.

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