You Put Your Arms Around Me And I'm Home

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I was thrown into the hustle and bustle of the airport in New Jersey, where I was currently trying to find the Starbucks after just getting off my plane from Ohio. Gramps got released from the hospital the other day so now I was headed to meet up with Eleanor and Danielle to go see the boys. All the boys knew Eleanor and Danielle were coming but nobody knew I was, as far as Harry is concerned I’m still in Ohio helping Gran get Gramps situated into the house. I held my carry-on bags close to me so I didn’t get them knocked out of my hands because, honestly, I hate airports there is just too many people and everyone is in such a hurry to get where they need to be, I hate it. I looked to my right and saw the familiar green mermaid logo and I quickly directed myself in the direction of my favorite coffee shop ever. As I approached Starbucks the first thing I noticed was Danielle’s crazy, zigzag hair sitting at a table with Eleanor, both wearing sunglasses to hide their faces. I ran up to their table and threw my purse down.

“I’ve missed you two so much!” I yelled and once they realized who I was they both jumped up and gathered me in a hug, earning us stares by those passing by.

“We’ve missed you lovey!” Eleanor squealed into my ear and to speak the truth, these two girls have grown to be some of my best friends; us always being in contact made the friendship grow stronger.

“Let’s get our way to baggage claim and get our things!” Danielle said as she handed me a French vanilla cappuccino and, of course, a blueberry muffin. I thanked her and we made our way through the crowds of people to go collect our bags. I can’t wait to see Harry again, after our argument this reunion is exactly what we need. Once we got our bags we headed outside to hail a cab to the venue the boys were playing at tonight.

“Are you excited to see your boy?” Eleanor asked as she moved around to get comfortable in the taxi. I nodded my head with a smile on my face. “It’s only been a few days since you’ve seen him last and you miss him? Hunny you love the boy,” Eleanor joked as she squeezed my shoulder as she pulled me into her side for a side hug.

“Oh whatever! I just miss him that’s all! It’s so weird not seeing him when I’m so accustom to at least being bothered by him poking me or waking me up all the time!” I joked with her as I pulled my phone out to text Harry.

To: Harry

Missing you, just heard your song on the radio. Xx

I sent the message then pocketed my phone as I wrapped my cardigan tighter around my frame, due to the cold air in the cab.

“You’re cruel, ya know,” Danielle said from the right of me. I gave her a signal that told her to continue. “Surprising him like that, nobody ever surprises Harry, he always catches on!”

“Yeah well then I came around! I know how to keep secrets lady,” I told her as I bumped her with my shoulder. Just as I did that my phone buzzed, signaling a text from Harry.

From: Harry

Missing you too. Dani and El fly in today, wish you were with them. Xo

I smiled at his text and put my phone away without replying. I rested my head on Eleanor’s shoulder and shut my eyes, hoping to get at least a little nap in before I saw Harry.

What felt like only a few seconds passed really ended up being fifteen minutes when I felt one of the girls lightly shaking me awake.

“Love, we’re here, time to get up,” Danielle comfortingly said. Quite frankly, Harry could take a few lessons from her on how to wake a person up. I picked my head up off of Eleanor’s shoulder and looked out the window; we were at the venue being driven to the backdoor. There was a line of fans wrapping around the building and it was barely noon, talk about dedicated!

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