And Yesterday You Were Here With Me

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I felt something poking me in the cheek and when I peered open one of my eyes Harry was sat Indian style and using his finger to poke me. Before he could react I grabbed his finger and bit it which resulted in him yelping like a hurt puppy.

“What was that for?” He said as he held his finger to his chest protecting it.

“For poking me while I slept.”

“Love, it’s nearly noon. You need to get up anyways,” He said as he climbed off the bed and stretched his arms above his head.

“No I don’t,” I mumbled to him as I plopped my face onto my pillow.

“Yes you do,” Harry said as he placed his hands on my hips and began pulling me off the bed.

“Harry! No! Please stop! You’re gonna make me fall!!” I protested but he continued to pull me until I hit the floor with a loud thud. We heard a knock at the door and whipped our heads around to see my dad standing in the doorway.

“What in heaven’s name is going on in here?” He asked as he adjusted the glasses sitting on his face.

“Harry woke me up…” I told him, trying to look at something else so my dad wouldn’t get mad.

“Oh, yeah I’m staying out of this one. She’s the devil when you wake her up!” He said as he backed out of the doorway and closed the door. I couldn’t help but laugh at his response and Harry sat down beside me on the ground.

“I like him,” Harry mindlessly said as he stared down at me.

“He’s not too bad when he isn’t strict,” I told him as I looked up into his green eyes and smiled. Harry brought his face closer to mine and placed his lips over mine.

“Good morning,” he said against my lips and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Good afternoon,” I said in a high pitched voice and stood up to stretch my stiff limbs. I jumped around in place for a little bit to wake myself up more and when I turned around Harry was folding his clothes and placing them in his bag. “Just what do you think you’re doing?” I asked him as I waltzed over to where he was and watched him pack.

“I leave today,” he said as he stopped folding a shirt to look at me.

“No, don’t,” I whined and wrapped my arms around his waist.

“I don’t want to but duty calls.”

I snickered at what he said, “You said duty,” I said as I tried to hold in my laughter.

“You’re so childish!” He exclaimed as he, too, wrapped his arms around me.

“Whatever,” I said to him with an eye roll. “I don’t want you to leave me, you just got here!”

“I know but I have to go meet the lads in Connecticut and please fans all across America!” He said as he released me and continued to pack. I snatched a pair of his sweatpants from his pile of clothes sitting next to the bag.

“Fine, then I’m keeping these,” I childishly told him and he smirked at me.

“Fine by me, you know I’ll call you, text you, Skype with you and face time you. You’ll be seeing a lot of this pretty little face,” Harry said as he pointed to his face and smiled a really adorable smile.

“Who said anything about it being pretty?” I asked him and he faked being hurt.

“You’re so mean!”

“What? It’s not pretty….it’s gorgeous!” I said to him as I threw myself down on my bed.

“That’s what I thought,” Harry said as he placed the final objects in his bag and zipped it up before joining me on the bed.

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