Let's Get Some

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“Hello Australia!!” I exclaimed as Harry and I walked through the airport in Sydney. Australia and New Zealand were the last stops for the boys’ tour and Harry decided we would come a few days early to get some time to ourselves. I looked at Harry and he was staring at me with a smile on his face.

“What?” I asked him with a smile on my face.

“Nothing, you’re just so happy. It’s cute,” he said as he let me get on the escalator first.

“Aren’t you excited though?! We get two days all to ourselves to roam this beautiful city,” I gushed to him and he smiled at me before kissing me on the lips. We collected our bags before going to head outside and just as we were about to walk through we saw the crowd of fans surrounding the door with security trying their best to hold them off.

“Mr. Styles and Ms. Grimes?” A man dressed in a suit asked.

“Yes?” Harry responded as he pulled me into his side.

“Due to the crowd outside we’re going to have security take your luggage for you and then we’re going to wait a few minutes and escort you out,” the man informed us and Harry just nodded his head before handing our bags to a few security members.

“This sucks, how’d they even know we were coming early?” I asked Harry as I rest my head against his chest.

“I don’t know, babe. They’re smart,” Harry whispered into my ear as we waited to go to our car. We waited about five more minutes when the same man from before came and informed us we could head out now. As soon as the doors opened the screams went to deafening heights as Harry held me close to him while making our way through the crowd.

“Abby!! Harry!! I love you guys!!!!”

“She’s so gorgeous!!”

“Why can’t that be me!”

“I love your outfit Abby!! Can I be you?! I love Harry!!”

These past few months’ things have gotten a lot better with the fans and their feelings towards me, mainly because Harry set them straight, but I was grateful I wasn’t getting negative comments and death threats anymore. I looked down at my outfit after the last comment and I saw nothing fabulous in it. I was wearing a white quarter sleeved shirt, a pair of skinny jeans all accompanied with studded motorcycle boots. It was very simple and nothing compared to what Eleanor might wear. We piled in our car and quickly went to the hotel we would be staying at. When we pulled up to the hotel there wasn’t any fans outside, I was happy we could keep where we were staying under the wraps. We checked in and made our way to the 25th floor of our hotel and quickly threw our bags down and laid on the bed.

“What’s first on the agenda?” I asked Harry as we cuddled together on the large bed.

“Are you tired? ‘Cause I’m not,” Harry stated and I shook my head against his chest.

“We could go to the beach?” I said to him and he shifted so he could look at me.

“If it means I get to see you in a bikini, then yeah,” Harry said and quickly got up to go dig for his swim trunks through his suitcase, I followed doing the same thing. After changing we quickly grabbed some towels and went down to the shore that was behind our hotel.

“It’s so pretty here! I love it!” I exclaimed as I laid my towel down and set my purse beside it before taking my shorts and shirt off. Harry fumbled to get the umbrella up so I walked over to help him. “Move over, doofus.” I said and saw Harry pout at me as I pushed the umbrella up. We sat down on our towels, under the sun, and caught a few rays in silence.

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