Hit The Pedal, Heavy Metal

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It’d been two weeks since my photo shoot with the boys and I have been up to my ears in work, I mean it has been photo shoot after photo shoot after photo shoot, you get where I’m going with this? Summer is coming up so all the fashion magazines are scrambling to get their spreads shot and put together. Currently it was a Saturday so I wasn’t at work but I was still doing work I swear sometimes I wish I charged a fee for people needing shots at the last minute. I hadn’t seen Harry for a week and half because he’d been in the States doing press for their album and I’d rarely talked to him due to the distance but we’ve been emailing back and forth. As I sat in my living room listening to music and going through some shots trying to find the best ones my home phone started to ring. I quickly grabbed the device from its base on the side table next to my couch.

“Hello?” I said into the receiver.

“Miss. Grimes?” A man on the other end asked.

“This is she, who is this?”

“My apologies, this is Charles I’m the front desk attendant for the day and I was just calling to inform you that there is a package for you. We would normally put it in your box but it’s too big. Do you think you could come get it?” Charles asked.

“Yeah I’ll be right down! Thank you,” I said and hung up. As I stood up and slid my shoes on I quickly thought of who might have sent me something, then I remembered my Gran sending me an email saying she sent something my way. Once I took the elevator down to the first floor I looked over at Stan and after waving I noticed a bunch of girls outside, which was weird because Harry doesn’t get back until tomorrow and he would tell me when he was coming over. I walked over to the front desk where I was greeted by Charles handing me a package. I thanked him and made my way to the elevator. As I stepped off the elevator and walked towards my apartment I saw a boy with a mop of hair on top of his head leaning against my door, a smile took over my face.

“You aren’t supposed to be here until tomorrow!” I excitedly said as I approached Harry.

“I lied, I wanted to surprise you,” Harry said as he pulled me into a tight hug.

“Well I’m surprised!” I said as I walked into my apartment with Harry behind me.

“What’s in the box?”

“I don’t know, it’s from my grandparents,” I mumbled as I set it down on my coffee table and grabbed a pair of scissors to cut the tape. I pulled the packing peanuts out and dumped them on Harry’s hair and looked at the contents in the box. I pulled out a tiny ring box and inside there was a ring that said “Not all who wander are lost” and it spiraled around, there was another ring that said “Wherever you are you will always be in my heart,” a quote by Gandhi. Also they sent me a picture in a frame, on the frame it said “Sadly We’re Related” and it was a picture of my grandparents making silly faces. Further into the box my Gran sent me a scarf with a matching beanie that she clearly knitted in my favorite color, maroon. They also sent me some of my favorite candy, Sour Patch Kids and gummy worms. I picked the letter up out of the box and began to read it:

Our Dearest Jet,

We are sending you a ‘care package’ even though it’s mainly filled with gifts and not things you need to survive like food—which we know you are getting plenty of. We sent you a ring with a quote by Gandhi on it, your Gramps and I both have identical ones, we felt they were very fitting in our situation. Our situation being that we have to be away from the light of our lives. The other ring we felt fit you and your desire to travel and not live in the same place for a long period of time, although we feel you will live in England for the rest of your life. You’re happy, not lost. The picture we just felt like sending you, we know you’ll look at it when you have a bad day, send us one too sweetheart. We already have a picture frame waiting for your picture the frame says “Yes, She’s Our Pride and Joy” it’s quite funny your gramps made them. I know it’s always a bit chilly in London so I knit you a new scarf and beanie in your favorite color. We miss you very much and can’t wait to either come visit you or you come visit us. Your Gramps misses Sage, I bet she’s getting big! Your parents called again, this time I told them if they wanted to talk to you they would need to contact you themselves, I hope they do. I really want you all to work things out, you were all they had and I know they miss you terribly. Give us a call, we’ve heard about you and your new British boy. He’s very good looking, it’s a good thing you swept him up before I met him, all my students at the middle school keep telling me they envy you. Anyways let us know how you are doing, I know you love sending and receiving letters but we would really enjoy hearing your voice darling.

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