You Best Walk Her Way While She Shines

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I woke up to Harry violently shaking me and telling me to answer my damn phone. I simply groaned before turning away from him to try and get some more shut eye.

“Seriously Abs? Answer your phone!” Harry yelled and pushed me off the bed; I hit the ground with a loud thud and immediately sat up.

“I hate it when you wake me up,” I groaned and crawled over to the nightstand that my phone was resting on.

“Well if people didn’t call you so early then I wouldn’t wake you up like that,” Harry said with sleep evident in his voice. I rolled my eyes and looked at the caller ID the word ‘Dad’ flashed across my screen. I saved his number the last time he called so I knew it was him in case he called again. I took a deep breath and slid my thumb across the screen to answer it.

“Hello,” I hesitantly said.

”Abigail is that you?”

“Yes sir. Is there a particular reason you’re calling me at 9 am?” I asked as I ran my hand through my knotted hair.

”9 am? Where are you?” He said, completely ignoring my question.


”You are? I didn’t think you’d be able to make it out there! Anyways, I got your email and I thought I would follow up with a phone call.”

“Okay, what’s up?” I asked him as I sat cross legged on the floor.

”Well I saw you only want to meet up with me and not your mother, and I’m heading out to Ohio today to visit Gran and Gramps, are you staying with them?”

“Uh, yes sir. Harry is here too,” I cautiously told him and I saw Harry snap his head up and look at me as I mentioned him in the phone call.

”Oh he is? Great! Then I can meet him! Anyways, I’ll be seeing you later on this evening, and we’ll catch up. How does that sound?”

“Sounds good Dad! I’ll see you then?”

”You most certainly will. I’ll talk to you soon Abby,” He said before hanging up. I brought the phone down to my lap, hanging up and locking my phone. I stared off into space, I was going to see my dad today.

“What was that about?” Harry groggily said as he leaned over the side of the bed to look at me. He looked so cute in the mornings with his hair going wilder than it normally is and how he squinted his eyes because he was tired.

“My dad is coming here this evening.”

“Pardon?” Harry, with disbelief, asked me.

“I know you heard me. My dad is coming here to see my grandparents…and us,” I told him as I stood up and sat on the bed.


“Harry, my gramps just had a stroke, why else would my dad come here?” I said to him and he held his hands up in defense. “Are you hungry?”

“Starving,” Harry said as he held his stomach.

“Let’s go cook some breakfast then,” I told him as I stood up and made my way downstairs with Harry behind me. We walked into the kitchen and noticed it was extremely quiet, I then noticed a note taped to the tea kettle, of course Gran knew I’d make tea as soon as I got up. I peeled the note off and began to read it:

Jet and Harry,

I have to work today, I did some grocery shopping so help yourself. I will be visiting Gramps as soon as the middle school lets out at 4pm. Jet, your father is flying in this evening, I’ll pick him up. Your gramps is getting some tests done today so no need to go visit him.

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