Are We Friends Or Are We More

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After having lunch with my mum, Abby and Adam we headed back to the shoot.

“Harry will I be expecting you and the boys for dinner?” My mum asked from beside me. I’m glad she visited me and everything I just wish I had known Abby would be our photographer so I could tell my mum not to come. I feel like I threw my mom’s appearance on her but she handled it really well I might add. I mean Abby and I haven’t even talked about our feelings for one another, we can’t deny that we have feelings for the other.

“Yeah, we always come,” I told my mum as I gave her a smile. I looked down at Abby who was on the other side of me and by the look on her face you could tell she was off in her own world right now. She was casually looking around at her surroundings taking it all in; she had a content look on her face.

“What are you thinking about?” I whispered to her and she snapped out of her trance and smiled up at me.

“How beautiful England is,” she rambled off. I placed my arm across her shoulders and pulled her into me.

“Abby, you are more than welcome to join us for supper,” my mum said to Abby as we weaved through a crowded spot.

“Oh thank you but I don’t want to intrude,” Abby politely replied.

“Nonsense, you wouldn’t be intruding dear! We would be happy to have you!”

“It’s your time to be with Harry I really don’t mind, Anne,” Abby said, she was being too polite. My mum didn’t mind having her come, she would still get time with her son.

“Don’t be absurd. You’re coming, I trust Harry will get you there.”

“I will mum, no worries,” I said to her as we stopped just outside the shoot. I let go of Abby and brought my mum into a hug goodbye.

“I’ll see you, Abby and the boys for dinner,” my mum said as she hugged Abby goodbye. We waved goodbye to her as she got in her car and drove off.

“You know you don’t have to take me right?” Abby said and I stared at her in disbelief.

“Why don’t you want to go?” I asked her.

“Because I just met her! We aren’t even dating Harry and we haven’t even talked about what’s going on between us, I find it a little weird to go eat dinner with your family.”

“Abby you’ll be fine. You’re my friend and my family likes to meet my friends,” I reassured her.

“Harry, everyone knows that whatever is going on between us isn’t friends. In America we don’t meet the parents until weeks after dating, unless you were friends before. We were friends for a week before we jumped into whatever we are,” Abby said while throwing her hands in the air.

“You don’t live in America anymore, you live in England now. We do things differently here, Abs.”

“Well I’m still American, Harry and my customs or whatever is different. It was uncomfortable enough being bombarded with meeting your mother. She’s a lovely woman but it would have been great if you told me when you saw me this morning that your mother would be stopping by,” Abby said, slightly raising her voice at me.

“And it would have been great if you told me you were going to be the photographer for this shoot!” I yelled back at her beginning to get fed up.

“Seriously?! That isn’t as serious as meeting your mother Harry!” Abby yelled then turned and angrily stomped off shaking her head. I walked in the opposite direction to go get ready for the second half of the shoot. When I walked into where the boys were they could all tell something happened.

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