Lights Will Guide You Home

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Australia is AMAZING. It may be winter but it felt like summer in Ohio and it made me feel at peace. I spent the week in Australia with my dad, just taking some time out of our hectic lives to really get our relationship fixed since I hadn’t spoken to my dad in a father way for 2 years. We really let loose and had a blast, we went cliff diving, snorkeling, bungee jumping, skydiving and we even went on a ‘safari’ it was the most thrilling week of my life. My dad and I even went out on a limb and got tattoos, simply because we felt like it. He had gotten a tattoo of an owl, for me, and I got waves on the side of my foot to remember my time here in Australia.

“Excited to get home to Harry?” My dad asked as we waited in line to get through security at the airport in Sydney.

“Very. Ready to get home to…well work?” I asked him with laughter in my voice as we moved up the line.

“Definitely not. But after getting some good old quality time with my daughter, it will make things a lot easier,” he said as he swung his arm over my shoulders and pulled me into his side.

“It’ll be fine, Dad.”

“Your mother is psychotic; I just hope she doesn’t make things too dramatic with the divorce and what not.”

“She probably will, but you’re a strong man and you’ll get through anything. In plus, word on the street is you are a way better lawyer than her. So you’ll take that as a cake walk pops,” I reassured him as I pulled my boots off and placed it with the rest of my belongings on the conveyor belt, before stepping through the metal detectors.

“Who do you get your wits from? I would say me but I’m just afraid that isn’t true,” my dad joked once he joined me on the other side, as we slipped our shoes back on and gathered our things.

“Gramps,” I simply told him while walking towards the food court in the airport. My dad and I went to separate food places to get a bite to eat and when I was walking back to find where he was seated a magazine caught my eye. I rerouted and headed for the news stand and took the magazine in my hand as I flipped the magazine open to the article I was looking for.

Harry Styles on the market again? Sources say he and, current girlfriend, Abby Grimes were on the rocks and called it quits while the American visited him on the North America leg of their tour! We found it hard to believe that the couple everyone has been swooning over called it quits after being together for only a few months, we all surely thought they would last a lifetime. It’s been weeks since the two have been seen together or since the two have even acknowledged each other on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram. But, the spark to this fire of a topic is the photos of, one, Harry Styles out on the town with a fit, mysterious blonde. The two were seen leaving a London nightclub and getting into the same cab together. The paparazzi lost the teen sensation and his mystery girl, so no word on whether or not Harold climbed into bed with her or just escorted a friend home. Let’s hope for the latter, we love Harry and Abby and would certainly hate to see this duo call it quits!

My eyes almost bulged out of socket as I looked over the article again, and glanced over the pictures of Harry and the blonde, that I didn’t recognize. At this point, I was livid. All along I thought these rumors of him being a womanizer were truly rumors, but this article and these photos just made his womanizing past a fact. I walked over to the man behind the cash register and gave him the right amount of money for the magazine before joining my dad at a table a few feet away. I hid the magazine in my carry-on bag, and acted as if everything was fine in my mind, when really I wanted to call Harry and cuss him out. After my dad and I finished eating we decided it was time for us, two, to go to our separate terminals.

“Be careful on the rest of your endeavors and keep me posted, will ya?” Dad said as he pulled me into a rib crushing hug.

“You know I will, our bond doesn’t stop here old man,” I joked with him as I hugged him back, with the same amount of force.

“Let me know when you land and when you make it back to your place or Harry’s, which ever you go to,” He told me as he pulled away and looked down at me and ruffled my hair.

“I will Dad, and you let me know when you get home safely, yeah?” I said to him as I pulled him in for another, quick, hug.

“I will, I will. No need to worry about me. I’m really glad we got to go on this trip together, I think it’s just what we needed to fix what happened in the past.”

“I agree, Pops. It feels as if I never left you. Please, just don’t be a stranger. I need my dad more than you think I do,” I told him as I readjusted my purse on my shoulder.

“Oh trust me, you will never get a break from me, dear. I will email you, text you, call you and do whatever else there is just to keep our bond as strong as it is. By the way, I saw the magazine and I saw you looking at it and purchasing it, don’t do anything stupid until you hear Harry’s side of the story. You can’t trust those damn gossip magazines,” my dad said, ruffling my hair once more before walking towards his terminal.

How did he do that? I will never understand the powers of a parent, it’s truly astonishing. As I stalked towards my terminal I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out, noticing I had a few text messages.

From: Charlotte
Can’t wait to see you! I’ve got wine ready for your arrival! I also did a little bit of redecorating, I know you’ll love it!

I read over Charlotte’s text before sending her a text back saying I couldn’t wait to see everything, and then moved on to the next text.

From: Nialler
What do you say we go to Nando’s when you get back? Haven’t seen or heard from you in a bit. Need my food buddy.

I couldn’t help but laugh at Niall’s text as I sent back a response to him that was appropriate. The next text I moved onto made my blood boil.

From: Harry
So excited to have you back in my arms, love! Things aren’t the same when you aren’t with me. Have a safe flight and I’ll be waiting for you at the airport. Xxx

After reading his text I couldn’t help but think of the magazine article, I pocketed my phone without even sending the curly haired boy a response. I was too mad and I knew I shouldn’t act on anger because it would never result in anything good. I plopped in a vacant seat and pulled my phone out once more, except I pulled up my twitter app. As I scrolled through my timeline I subconsciously clicked on Harry’s profile, and one tweet caught my attention.

Can’t wait for tomorrow! Happy, happy, happy! Xx

I read over the tweet and couldn’t stop the smile from forming on my face. I exited out of Twitter and brought open Harry and I’s text convo.

To: Harry
Not long until that time. Gotta talk with you when I get back. X

I sent the text then turned my phone off, not wanting to see what his response would be. I waited another hour until it was boarding time, finally, they called for me to board the plane. Once I got to my seat, I put my bags up and plugged in my headphones and watched as the plane ascended to its maximum height. The lyrics to Coldplay’s ‘Fix You’ and the flashing lights from the plane lulled me to sleep.

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