I Guess She Had A Point

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It’d been two months since Harry and I signed for the house, we had shortly purchased all our furniture and all that was left to do when we got back was unpack! It was a stressful process, picking a house, but now that we found one, everything else was a breeze. I joined the tour as their photography back in April and I was having the time of life, I was touring the world with 4 of my best friends and my boyfriend. What could be any better than this?

Tonight was our last night in Pittsburgh and then we were on our way to Canada for some shows. This morning I joined Niall and Harry for a run around the arena and afterwards the boys were whisked away for interviews. I took some time to hang out with Eleanor, since she was visiting, and we walked around the town until we both decided to go watch the boys do their interviews. We walked into the room and quickly took a seat so we could watch the boys, and I walked in at the perfect time too.

“So, Harry. You and Abby, you two are getting pretty serious aren’t you?” The interviewer asked and I saw Harry blush.

“I’d like to think we are,” he said as he quickly looked at me and smiled.

“You two moved in together back in April, right?”

“Well, we bought a house together in April. But she moved out of her flat and into my place in February, made things easier,” Harry added and you could tell he wanted to change the topic.

“Will we be hearing any wedding bells soon?” She, the interviewer, asked him. I choked on my saliva, and saw Harry had an identical reaction.

“Uh, not any time soon,” Harry, cautiously, said as he looked at me to see if he said the right thing, I gave him a thumbs up.

“But you’re in love?” She pressed, trying to get more information out of him. Harry let a deep sigh out before answering her.

“Yes, we’re young. But we are head over heels for one another,” he said and when he looked at me I blew him a kiss. The interviewer finally changed the topic and started talking about the boys’ next album and if we will be hearing any of it anytime soon. The boys did 3 more, quick, interviews before they were done for the day. Harry sauntered over to where I was sitting and took a seat on my lap.

“Yes?” I asked him as I laced my fingers with his.

“What do you want to do? We’ve got an hour until sound check,” he said while playing with my braid.

“I could go for a nap,” I told him while I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Me too. We ran forever this morning and I didn’t have time to relax afterwards. Let’s go,” Harry said as he stood up and pulled me with him. We ran off to their tour bus where we squeezed into Harry’s bunk and took a nap.

After our nap we went to their sound check where I took plenty of photos of the fans and the boys on stage interacting. Then we went to the meet and greet where I took more photos of the boys goofing around with their fans. I got asked numerous questions about Harry and all his weird habits; I’d just taken a photo of the boys with a group of teenage girls when I felt someone tap my lower back. I turned around and saw a little girl, maybe six years old, looking at me nervously.

“Can I help you, sweetie?” I asked her as I bent down to her level.

“You’re Abby right? Harry’s girlfriend?” She asked and I nodded my head. “I think you’re really pretty.”

“Thank you, you’re really pretty too. I like your dress,” I told her as I looked at her dress that was a navy blue with a star on the front.

“Thanks, my grandma made it for me!” She exclaimed.

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