Chapter 17: Dream Encounter (Stefan, Yerin & Yein POV)

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Chapter 17: Dream Encounter (Stefan, Yerin & Yein POV)

First Posted On: June 25th 2017

Last Updated On: June 25th 2017

A/N: This takes place on December 8th 2015 and December 17th 2015.

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(Stefan POV)

(~December 8th 2015~)

Winter is fast approaching here in Korea. But it hasn't snowed yet, so when I looked outside the still looks like autumn.

I hadn't actually seen snow before coming to Korea. However, when I did see it for first was the most magical experience. Even better, I witnessed the first snowfall last year...and they said that if you make a wish then, it will come true.


Ok...I might be over-exaggerating, but that time, I wished only one thing: to be with Krystal forever. If you haven't guessed already, yes she also witnessed the first snow with me last year...and I made a promise to be with her forever. We had only just come out of the last battle with fake Madam emotions were running high then.

But back to the present...Krystal and I are no more. No one to see the first snow with me. No one to hear my struggles. No one

Yeah...think about how Jinyoung would feel too... Yookyung and him used to be inseparable....

After mulling over last year's winter, I decided to contact the one person who probably could spend time with me...

...Jung Yerin.

Recently, she just got back her phone. So occasionally, I have been chatting with her and...THOSE WERE THE BEST MOMENTS EVER! Well...getting to talk to your bias in person...

I know, Krystal is still my F(x) bias...but it's hard to forget that I once was her namja...and she was my yeoja. That said...what if Yerin-

"Yeoboseyo?" Yerin's sweet voice came from the other end.

"Annyeong Yerin..." I composed myself. "How was Cebu?"

GFriend had also finished their filming of 'One Fine Day' and their episodes had already aired as well. As expected, my eyes were only on Yerin.

"Fun~" she giggled. "If you were enrolled as one of our VJs, you'd say the same."

Because you were there...

"Yah! I heard that!" she snapped. Aish...I talked aloud again didn't I.

"Chill~" I laughed. "Anyway, you free this afternoon?"

"Eh? I guess..." she seemed surprised by my offer.

"Let's hang out!" I offered. "Then you can tell me all about Cebu! And also...figure out what Ma-"

"I thought we agreed to try not to bring her name up unless something new crops up...?" Yerin sounded puzzled.

"Jinyoung told me something recently...and I thought we can discuss about this when we meet," I explained to her.

"Speaking of whom..." she added. "Has he been keeping a watch on Yein like you said...?"

"N-Ne..." I replied hesitantly. "You know what, why not I tell you the rest of the story when we meet?"

"Arasso, Stefan," she readily agreed. "Actually, why not we do this...?"

She read out her plan to me...and I honestly didn't know whether to scream or cry. Did she really mean it?!

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