CH 1

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"Dylan, shut the fuck up, we're in a school bathroom stall!" Mitch hisses as he grips his friend's hair, his friend who is just on his knees in front of the boy, sucking him off. "I don't want people to find out!"

Dylan lets go with a loud pop.

"But I can't help it if you're so good!"

Mitch rolls his eyes, but grips him closer, urging him to keep going because he needs to get off. The stress has been too much lately, and he's in desperate need of a release, quite literally. So, without any more words but occasional moans from Dylan as Mitch tries not to gag him, he continues fucking his friend's mouth until he cums and spills down his throat.

He pulls out a second later and pulls his pants back up hastily, fixing his hair afterwards.

"You get out first, just get out and then I'll come," he whispers. "No one will see us together."

Dylan just nods before leaning in to press a wet kiss to Mitch's lips. Mitch can taste himself, it's disgusting. He wipes his mouth.

"What?" Dylan hissed.

"Just because you like the taste of my cum doesn't mean I do."

Dylan rolls his eyes, opens the stall a bit and sneaks out. A few minutes later, Mitch follows shut but stops in front of the huge mirror to check himself and fix his messed up sex hair. He runs his fingers through his long bangs, putting them back in place. He really needs a haircut, the longest strand is already almost reaching down to his chin. He checks himself once more, admiring his own tattoos that decorated his arms, in particular his newest addition, the bad girls are from Venus quote. He's definitely a bad girl, and he loves that about himself.

With his newly-gained post-orgasm confidence he walks out of the restrooms, heading towards the cafeteria. He needs to meet up with his group so they don't get suspicious. They know he likes to hook up and fuck, but they have no idea that he is bisexual. They can't find out. Especially not Trent, the homophobe of the homophobes.

Speaking of the devil - he's standing in front of a boy, Hoying, pushing him against the lockers. Mitch just stands there, unable but also kind of unwilling to help. What is he supposed to do against his friend, so better pretend he didn't see it.

"You're a dirty little fag, aren't you?!" Trent's voice echoes through the halls. "Always with your pink shirt, I know those types of boys. They're all the same, and they all like to suck dick."

Mitch doesn't want to admit it, but hearing his friend speak like that hurts. But he shakes it off, putting his cool mask back on again. If he tells himself he isn't bi, he'd eventually believe it, right? Maybe that would save him from all this mess. Maybe he'd stop being sexually attracted to guys. It's worth a try.

However, when Trent slams the boy into the lockers, Mitch turns away and walks off.

"Hey guys!"

He sets his tray down on the table, taking his usual seat next to Luke. Luke is his best friend, he isn't only the party crazed person Mitch was looking for in a friend but he could actually talk to him about serious matters whenever he needs to. Not that that happens very often, but it's nice to have someone like that just in case.

"Mitchell!" Chris greets him with a grin. "Where have you been?"

"Ugh, Stacy again," Mitch lies nonchalantly. He'd had a thing with Stacy a while back but he kept using her as an alibi, hoping his friends would buy it. To them, Stacy is a girl Mitch likes to hook up with a lot, though she's no girlfriend material. In reality, she was a one time thing and just a really sloppy kisser. Gross.

"How is your studying going?" Luke then asks Mitch a bit more quietly when everyone starts talking about different things so no one would overhear their conversation. Not that it is private in any way, but Luke is a bit worried about Mitch and he doesn't want to rub it into everyone's faces.

"I haven't started yet." Mitch says simply. He has no interest in studying whatsoever, he isn't going to be one of those geeky guys who end up valedictorians at their graduation. No, Mitch wants to pass, sure, but he wants to do it in his own fashion. Besides, with Dylan's party this past week end he hadn't really gotten around to doing it.

"Mitchy, I know you don't care now but you need to get your grades up a bit. You're failing three classes."

"I'm not."

Luke blinks. "You are, Mitch. French, Math and Science. Last time I checked, you were failing these."

Mitch rolls his eyes and sighs. "Fine. Maybe I am. So what?"

"So you need them to graduate."

He just shrugs. "I'm just not good at it. There's nothing I can do."

"Well, you could study for once."

Mitch looks at Luke as if he was from another planet.

"You're kidding, right? When am I supposed to study when there's a party every week end?"

"How about you just don't go to a party for once?"

"No." Mitch shakes his head. "I can't miss it. A party without me? Nu huh."

"Mitchy..." Luke sighs, slowly giving up. "I care about you. And your future.

Mitch stands up from his seat, deciding not to delve on the subject any longer.

"Well, I don't. I need to smoke, you coming?"


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