CH 38

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A/N: I changed Mitch's Europe tour tattoo into a Leo constellation tattoo just because they're not in PTX in this story 😅 just so you know



Mitch turns his head so he can look up at Scott - he's been laying with his head on his lap for what feels like hours, but it's just so nice and comfortable. Scott has been running his fingers through his hair, softly caressing him and making him feel loved but now he stopped and Mitch immediately gets anxious.

"Now that we're... A couple, I feel like we should talk about... Stuff."

"Stuff?" Mitch questions, his eyebrows raised in curiosity but his heart is hammering nervously in his chest.

"Yeah..." Scott swallows and bites his lip, avoiding eye contact with Mitch. "Like... What we did at Luke's party type of stuff..."

"Oh... I thought you wanted to forget it?"

Mitch asks, only to have Scott shake his head. "Do you really think I'd want that?"

The smaller boy shrugs. "I don't know. That's what you said."

"Yeah..." Scott bites his lip again. There's still something he hasn't been able to say yet. "I... Just wanted to say that... I think I'm okay with it."

"Okay with what?" Mitch asks hesitantly. He's not sure he's getting the hint.

"With having sex. It's alright if we- I don't know, do it. I know you wanted to since we- since we met."

That is damn true. But still, ever since he met Scott something changed. His attitude towards life changed.

"I- I don't know..." Mitch hears himself mumble without really meaning to. But he quickly catches himself. "I was a different person back then."

"I know. But you're still you."

"I mean..." Mitch contemplates, nagging on  his lip until he finally sighs. "It's not that I don't want to, Scotty, it's just that I don't think we should. Not yet, at least. You know I've fucked around a lot and I don't want you to just... Be one of them. I want you to feel special."

"You already make me feel special by letting me be your boyfriend." He lifts Mitch's hand up and brings it to his lips, leaving a quick peck on the back of it, on one of the three bats. "But we don't have to. It was just an offer."

"We will. Someday. Just not... Now. This might sound cheesy as fuck but you actually mean a lot to me, Scotty... I don't wanna fuck this up."

"We won't" he promises. "I just wanted you to know because I don't want you to... Hold back, I guess. If it happens, it happens."

"Let's take it slow..." Mitch interlaces his fingers with Scott's. "Let's just take this day by day and see where that leads us?"

Mitch scrambles up from his comfortable position to face Scott and cup his scruffy cheek.

"I want to take it slow. I'm over giving myself to others in a matter of seconds. I feel like... This could be the start of a new life."

"I love how you say that," Scott whispers, leaning into Mitch's touch, closing his eyes. "So we're gonna stick to kissing?" His blue eyes meet Mitch's brown ones again. Mitch nods, a small smile on his lips.

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