CH 34

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It's Friday, spring break has just started and Scott and Mitch are walking home from school together; they decided to walk a few miles because of the particularly sunny weather today. And it feels good to be able to walk home with Scott, spend time with him in public and not have to hide anymore. So, in some ways, he's glad that he was outed. He'd never had the guts to come out, but still, it was a dick move, no matter what, and he's never going to forgive this douchebag for it. He went through hell in that moment just because Trent had to spill his darkest, deepest secrets. But he tries not to think about it too much, just focusing on the warm sun shining on his face, warming him up. Scott's hand slips into his, interlocking their fingers, making him smile even more.

"You know," Mitch begins, biting his lip. He's always had a hard time with being honest about his feelings. "I really like spending time with you. Like this, just walking around."

"I do, too," Scott admits. "I'm gonna be honest with you, yeah?"

Mitch nods, dreading what's about to come. This feels exactly like the moment when someone says we need to talk.

"When I was told I was supposed to tutor you, I freaked out. I had no idea you were so cool to hang out with. And nice. And... cute."

Mitch snorts. "Cute? Bitch, I'm not cute."

Scott lets out a laugh. "Well, I say you are."

"Why do you say that?" He bites his lip, fluttering his eyelashes at his best friend. He's so handsome today... Not only today, but he's wearing a salmon pink leather jacket, bringing out his bright blue eyes and his blonde hair.

"It's everything about you," the taller boy answers. "You're so tiny, and you always cuddle up to me at night."

Mitch blushes. He always thought Scott wouldn't notice.

"That- that's not true. I don't cuddle."

"Mitchy," Scott chuckles. "It's okay, I like it."


"By the way... It's spring break, and I was gonna leave for a while..."

Mitch frowns. "Leave?"

"Yeah," he nods, nervous. He's scared that Mitch wouldn't like the idea that he's about to tell him.

"So that means, I'll have to-"

"Oh, no, god, no. Mitchy, I was gonna take you with me, if you want to?"

"Oh, I mean... sure? Where are you going?"

"Mountains of Colorado."

"Just you, Kirstie and I?"

Scott frowns. "Why Kirstie?" He asks. "I never mentioned her."

"I just assumed, I don't know- So... it's just you and me?"

"Yes... I don't know, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, so if you don't want to come along that's fine, I'll take Kirstie then-"

"No, no, I'd love to!" Mitch says, maybe a little too excited. A beautiful smile spreads on Scott's face.

"Cool. Then we're going on vacation together."

"Yeah..." Mitch bites his lip, but smiles. He's really looking forward to this. "When are we leaving?"

"I was thinking tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Okay!"

They walk to Scott's front porch, and Mitch is just about to unlock the door when Scott stops him.


Mitch just raises his eyebrows in question.

"I'm- glad you're coming with me. I'm really excited. Thank you."

"I am, too. Thanks for wanting to spend time with me." He smiles, and he swears Scott's eyes flicker down to his lips for the split of a second but he looks back up into his eyes again. Maybe it's just Mitch's mind playing tricks on him.



A/N: Sorry this is pretty short but it's leading up to something (hopefully) bigger soo... see ya #soon ;)

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