CH 7

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"Mitch, please," Dylan whines. They're in the school bathroom, Dylan dragged Mitch in here to take care of his problem but Mitch isn't willing to cooperate.


"But Mitchy-" Dylan gestures towards the very obvious bulge in his pants. "What am I going to do about-"

"I said no!" Mitch hisses, shoving his friend harshly against the tiled wall. "I'm not gay, so stop it."

"I thought you were-"

"No! Goddamn it, what is there not to understand?!"

"Fine!" Dylan shoves Mitch back, then runs his fingers through his short brown hair. "I won't fucking bother you anymore."

"Good." Mitch lets out a deep breath he's been holding. "Because I'm straight, and you're a boy and-"

"I fucking got it!" The other boy snaps. "You don't need do go into detail, I fucking got it."


"What's up with you and Hoying, by the way?"

Mitch frowns. How did anyone-

"Nothing? What, Hoying? Scott? I literally never even talked to him?"

He hoped his confused stance wouldn't give anything away. To Luke, or even Chad, it definitely would. But Dylan is just a seventeen year old boy ruled by his dick rather than his brain, so he should be fine.

"Oh, so it must've been someone else who gave him a ride last week. People were saying it was you. It was probably his boyfriend, ugh, can you believe that ugly ass has a boyfriend and I don't?" Dylan huffs.

"Yeah, unbelievable."

Mitch is done with Dylan's childish, hormonal attitude so he just ignores it like he ignores pretty much everything he says. All this time, Dylan was just a toy to him, a fucktoy, he was easy and willing and just the perfect stress relief for Mitch. They were never really friends, never met up outside of school if it wasn't for sex, and to be honest, Mitch is glad about that. So Dylan might be fairly good at sucking his dick, but he has zero personality. Plus, he is a boy, so that's a big no from above.

"Anyway, I'm out. Don't call me if you need anything."

Dylan exits the bathroom, leaving Mitch alone and defeated. He sighs and slides down the wall, sitting on the ground. He fumbles with his tight black skinny jeans until he gets his pack of cigarettes out, then takes one out and lights it. The smoke clouds his vision for a while, but he takes deep breaths, inhales and exhales, taking in the addicting rush that nicotine gives you. He needs to find a girl, because honestly, he is a horny boy, probably not less than Dylan himself. For a second he feels bad for shitting on his fuckbuddy for just having human needs, but he quickly remembers that for Dylan, the only thing on his mind ever is sex, while for him it is sex, drugs, alcohol and partying. He has to admit, it's not exactly a better a better mix of things but he can't care less while he presses the cigarette to the floor and throws away the butt. There are ashes, but this bathroom is contaminated anyway, so what difference does it make? Exactly. All he needs to do now is go to a party, pop in a pill and have the best sex of his life.

Those are his plans now. It's only Monday, but he's pretty positive he can find some party this week, before he has to keep up with Hoying again. He made plans with him for Thursday again, so he has three days to find something. He needs to get away before he has to face Blondie again. Fucking teacher's pet, straight a student, is probably going to be some kind of doctor or lawyer some day. Mitch doesn't keep up with those pretentious fucks.

He checks his phone. 11:56. He is currently skipping class, Math, so he can take all the time that he needs. After unlocking the device he pulls up his contacts, finding Lance, who along with Chad is the party animal of the group. He hosts a shit ton of parties and attends every single one. If anything was on the plan for this week he'd be the one to know.

Mitch: hey lance u know any parties before thursday?

Lance replies immediately, and Mitch begins to wonder if his friend is texting from class or if he's hiding somewhere and wants to hang out for the hour.

Lance: wow why so specific but sure
Lance: heard trents hosting a party on wednesday

Trent. He doesn't have the best relationship with that friend of his, so he isn't surprised that he had no idea about that party. Still, he tries to keep his calm and be friendly. As friendly as a cold hearted ass like him could be, haha.

Mitch: thx bud ill be there

Lance: kk

Mitch: any girls u can hook me up with??

He's desperate, so why not ask his friend? Maybe he does know someone who's looking for a good fuck, so it's worth a try

Lance: why u want a gf???

He can literally feel the confusion in his friend's reply. He huffs, it's a halfhearted laugh but he has to admit he didn't quite sound like himself.

Mitch: no just sex

Lance: what about stacy?

Mitch rolls his eyes. This lie that he once told had developed into this and now everyone's thinking they're basically a thing.

Mitch: dont want her she cant kiss and sucks at literally everything

Lance: wow
Lance: im sure youll find someone at the party trent loves girls hell invite them all

Mitch: good good cant wait to get some

Lance: how fucking horny are u
Lance: wait i dont even wanna know

Mitch: u dont

Lance: kk see ya

Mitch: k

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