CH 41

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"Thank you so much," Mitch says, a shy smile on his face. Scott just frowns, pulling the keys out of the ignition.

"For what?"

Mitch shrugs. "I don't know. For driving, for..." He bites his lip nervously. "For keeping up with me, I guess."

Scott leans over, leaving a soft kiss on his lips.

"Don't say it like that, I love spending time with you. I'd spend every free second with you."

Mitch's smile widens and he feels his cheeks heat up. "Same."

"Come on, let's go home. Are you tired?"

"Not really..." He shakes his head. "Can we just..?" He leans in again and starts kissing Scott, leaving him confused but he reciprocates the kisses after a moment before he pulls away again.

"Mitchy, what- what's wrong?"

"I just... Wanna be with you a little more. I-" he bites his lip again, unsure how to word it. "We became boyfriends on this trip and I just... Don't want to go back in there just yet."

"Cutie..." He cups his cheek, blue eyes meeting brown ones. "We're still gonna be boyfriends. Even when we go back to school after break, we're gonna be the fucking best powercouple the world's ever seen."

Mitch giggles, kissing the corner of Scott's mouth. "I'd love that."

Scott doesn't answer but starts kissing Mitch, biting his lip softly, letting out soft huffs in between the kisses. Mitch's hand runs through his blonde hair, his other hand keeping him steady by gripping Scott's shoulder. God, this is so addicting... He finds himself wanting more, and more... But... Can they?

"I want you," he breathes, kissing him again and again.

"Are you sure?" Kiss.

Mitch just nods, deciding it's too much effort to part from the kiss just to say yes. He can feel Scott's fingers start to mess with the buttons of his shirt, trying to unbutton it. But something's off... Mitch has fucked around before, he lost his virginity in the bathroom stalls of a club... He knows how dirty you feel about a fact like that.

"Scotty, Scotty, wait." He puts a hand on his chest, making the boy part from the kiss, his lips red, a frown on his face.

"Are you okay?"

Mitch quickly nods. "Yes, just... If we're about to, um..." Suddenly he gets insecure. What if he misinterpreted the situation and they weren't about to have sex?

"Yes..." Scott confirms, simultaneously urging him to keep talking.

"If we're about to do it... Right now... As much as I love your mustang, I'd rather not have you lose your virginity in a car."

Scott finally relaxes and nods. He checks the time.

"My parents have another night shift today, it's Thursday. My room?"

Mitch bites his bottom lip to keep himself from smiling and blushing but nods.



As soon as they enter Scott's bedroom, Scott pushes Mitch against the door, kissing the hell out of him. He starts working on his neck, biting, sucking, leaving lovebites for Mitch to have something visual to remind him of this night. Mitch throws his head back, giving Scott more access which he gladly accepts, leaving trails of kisses down his neck to his collarbone and down to his chest. Mitch lets out a soft moan, his hands tangled in Scott's hair.

"Mitchy..." Scott whispers, Mitch can feel his breath against his lips. He looks into the boy's eyes, he's so close.


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