CH 11

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Mitch drives through the city, not knowing where to go. He's glad he'd kept his wallet in the car when he came home a couple of hours ago. It was supposed to be a short stop anyway, he just wanted to grab some snacks before he would've left again. He's slowly running out of gas, just driving around without having an actual destination. It's already dark, he left Scott's at half past seven but it's January, so half past seven seems like midnight. Now it's actually midnight, and Mitch is still cruising through the town. He was planning on stopping his car somewhere in an empty field but he's scared, anyone could come and rob him or kill him. He sighs, running his fingers through his dark hair and finally decides for something. He makes an illegal u-turn and drives straight back to Scott's house. It's his only chance. He knows the Hoyings don't judge, and he honestly doesn't want to face any of his friends right now. If they find out what happened- He already can't bear the thought that Chad found out. He'd been so drunk, goddamn it!

He stops the car on the side of the road, sighing and groaning as he gets out. Only now he notices how cold his hands are and how he's shaking. He's even still wet from the rain when he got out of the car earlier to check if an abandoned meadow was safe to stay for the night. He's about to knock on the door before he realizes how stupid he's being. He can't wake up an entire family that he doesn't even know just because he's having some trouble. He goes around the house to find the window from Scott's bedroom, or what he assumed was it. He picks up a stone from the ground, his fingers numb, but he tries not to throw the stone right against the glass because it'd shatter, but instead hit the wall beside it. It would still make enough noise and no one could complain about a broken window.

He aims- and misses. The stone barely hits the wall at all, just sliding back to the ground. Mitch groans, picking up another one. He aims once again, hitting... the frame of the window. That was close! An inch further to the right and he would've hit the glass. He picks up another stone to throw again but the window opens and a sleepy Scott looks down at him. He squints his eyes. Who is this to come to his house in the middle of the night?! But as soon as he recognizes the boy, his expression lightens.

"Mitch?" He whisper shouts. "What are you doing here?"

"Just- let me in, please?"

Scott hesitates but finally nods, closing the window again and running downstairs to open the door.

He's just wearing a loose tank top. And shorts. Boxers. Hmm... that body! In his tired daze, Mitch wants to reach out and touch, but she stops himself last second, keeping his palms pressed against his sides, forcing them to stay there. He shivers. Scott's intense gaze makes him feel so exposed, even though he's wearing layers over layers of clothing. He feels like he's staring right through him, seeing behind the mask, and that makes him uncomfortable. Mitch looks to the ground, but soon catches himself and puts his mask back on.

"Don't look at me with that look and don't you dare to ask any questions. But... can I stay? Just for the night, I promise I'll be out in the morning."

Mitch doesn't know where to go in the morning, but he needs to leave. He can't stay forever, he knows that, and he also doesn't want to. This is Scott. Hoying, the ugly blonde that suddenly, with ruffled hair and glasses propped on his face, half naked, isn't that ugly anymore. But enough of this.

"Can I come in?"

"Uh, of course." Scott steps aside, letting Mitch come into the house. Scott bites his lip. He doesn't know what to do with Mitch, of course he can stay, but- "I- uh..." He stops himself before he can make the situation any worse. Mitch just walks upstairs without a word, already knowing where Scott's bedroom is.

"Look, I know you haven't talked to your parents about this..."

Scott shakes his head quickly. "Oh, no, no, I got this. You just... You'll have to stay in my room for tonight? If that's alright, I mean. I can stay on the couch in the living room, I just don't want my parents to get a heart attack, they don't expect you here..."

"Oh, okay. But no, you can stay here, don't worry. I bet your bed's more comfortable than the couch. I'll just sleep on the floor-"

"No, Mitchy..."

Mitch raises his eyebrow. "Mitchy?"

"Mitch. Sorry."

If the lighting wasn't so bad, Mitch could've sworn Scott was blushing.

"How about I sleep on the floor and you take my bed?"

"Bullshit." Mitch decides. "Get in your bed."

"It's fine if I-"

"No, Scott. Get in your bed, it's okay."

"O- okay."

Scott hesitantly pulls the comforter aside and gets into his bed. He cuddles up in the still warm covers, hmmm... nice. He sees Mitch standing there awkwardly, so he throws him a pillow and a spare blanket.

"I hope this is enough to keep you warm..."

"Thank you."

Mitch lays down on the hardboard floor. It's not as comfortable as he hoped for, but it's better than staying outside in his car. He pulls the blanket over himself and shivers. It is cold, he has to admit. Soon enough, he hears Scott's breath even out and the soft puffs indicating the boy is fast asleep. But Mitch can't close an eye. As soon as he does, his mother appears in front of him and he flinches, wants to run away but knows this is just a mental image, just made to drive him crazy eventually, but he isn't giving in. But after half an hour of freezing, tossing and turning he gives up. He isn't having it. He stands up, dragging his blanket and pillow over to the bed and climbs in. He knows he isn't supposed to and that Scott would 100% disapprove but he doesn't care at this moment. Right now he's sad, tired and drained and he just needs comfort. And what better comfort is there than the body heat of someone you, weirdly and ironically, trust? He cuddles up under the blanket, shifting closer to the blonde boy until he feels safe. He hesitates but eventually wraps an arm around his waist, hoping not to wake him up. He needs the closeness right now. The reminder that no matter what, someone is there who cares and comforts you when you need it. And like that, he is finally able to fall asleep as well.

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