CH 40

732 52 4

"I brought sparkling wine!"

Mitch looks at Scott, wide-eyed.

"Where did you get that from? I thought we didn't have any, you said that just last night-"

"I know." Scott chuckles, plopping down on the blanket lying on the floor. "But guess who drove to the convenience store this morning."

"You bitch!" Mitch says, grinning and sitting down next to Scott. "This is why I l- like you."

He almost said it. Almost. But he wants to wait, in case Scott decides to change his mind.

"So," Scott chuckles. "Let's have a wine night. You said you wanted to on our last day here."

"Hmm that's true. But it's still early."

Scott checks his phone and shrugs. "I mean, it's seven. It's slowly getting dark, too."

Mitch contemplates for a moment until he finally nods. "Okay. But are you sure that you wanna do it... Here?"

They're at their secret spot by the lake once again. But even though it's only a five minute walk at most, Mitch is still worried about Scott drinking too much and ending up not knowing how to get back to the cabin. But one bottle of sparkling wine for the both of them... It shouldn't cause a lot of trouble.

"Fine. Open it."

"You know, I'm surprised. I thought you'd be down for it immediately."

"I am! I'm just worried about you."

"Aw. Don't be, it's just wine."

"You literally don't remember the night you had three cans of beer."

Scott suddenly becomes very quiet, and a few lines form on his forehead. "Yeah... About that..."

Mitch raises his eyebrows in question. "What do you mean?"

"I... Might remember."

"What?" Mitch shakes his head because he doesn't think he understood it correctly. "What do you mean you remember?"

Scott gives up trying to make the bottle pop, instead putting it back to the ground, sighing and running his fingers through his wet, blonde wavy hair.

"I'm just saying... I was scared of what this meant for us... So I just pretended I didn't remember. Because it scared me how much I loved it..."

"Aw, Scotty... We could've worked this out..."

"I know, and I'm sorry..." He sighs once again, his eyes meeting Mitch's. "Please don't hate me."

Mitch smiles softly. "I could never hate you, baby. I wish you'd told me earlier but I'm glad you said it now."

"I... Was just obsessed with kissing you. Still am."

Just to prove a point (yes, and for his own enjoyment) he leans in and presses a soft kiss to Mitch's lips, making the boy blush.

"You know, you're so cute when you blush."

"Stop it!" He blushes even more, making Scott smile. "Scoooott!" He hits his shoulder playfully.

"Okay, okay. No more compliments." He gets back to working on the bottle.

Mitch bites his lip. "That's not what I meant."

"I know, and I'm going to compliment you about a thousand more times tonight, just so you know. You're beautiful and you deserve the world, Mitchy."

Mitch blushes again, but this time he doesn't have the time to say anything about it as the bottle finally pops open.

"Here you go, you can drink first."

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