CH 19

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"I don't even wanna know what happened."

Scott comes into the living room, already covering his ears with his hands.


"Scott!" Mitch shouts, immediately regretting it as he feels his headache. "Kirstie and I-"

"Don't you dare say anything! Lalalalalalalala I can't hear you!"

"Kirstie and I didn't fuck!"

Scott takes his hands from his ears and stares at Mitch, confused.


"Kirstie and I didn't do it..." Mitch repeats, looking down and avoiding Scott's look. He doesn't even know why, but he's nervous about it. "She changed her mind, we were about to but she said she didn't want it."

"And you didn't force her... Right?"

Now Mitch has to look at him with furrowed brows.

"Of course not!"

"Good. Good, I was worried."

"I might be a bitch, Hoying, but I'm not an asshole."

Hmm... I have one that needs to be filled but- Mitch. Focus. For fuck's sake.

Scott sighs and runs his fingers through his blonde waves, coming to sit right next to Mitch on the couch.

"I was just worried..." He whispers, barely audible but then furrows his eyebrows. "By the way, have you seen my charger? My phone's been dead since last night, so I didn't even know if you called or anything..."

Mitch's eyes widen at the realization. Oh no. He quickly adds one and one and firstly, remembers that he sent an actual naked picture of himself to Scott, and secondly, that Scott hasn't seen it yet and will see it in his presence! He wishes he could sink into the cushions and never get back out again. He feels his face get hotter with every second passing, but he knows he doesn't blush, it's not in his nature, still he feels the urge to cover his face with his hands in embarrassment.

"Wh- what have you done to the charger?" Scott questions. "Did you break it? Mitch!"

"N-no, I didn't!" Mitch stutters, his voice suddenly an octave higher. "I just don't think you, uh, need a phone right now! Or like, ever!"

"What are you talking about? Mitch, I need my phone!"

Mitch finally gives up and sighs, running his hands through his hair. There's no point in trying to keep him away from his charger, it's not like he's going to buy a new phone. He'll see it sooner or later, might as well get this over with.

"It's in your drawer. I borrowed it."

Scott looks at him through squinted eyes, trying to figure out what the fuck just happened and if Mitch was playing any games. But he looks defeated, and slightly embarrassed, so Scott spares himself the awkwardness to ask about it and instead goes to retrieve his lost charger. And indeed, in his drawer, right next to the lube and some condoms he finds it. He plugs it into his phone, waiting for it to come to life. And when it does, Scott just wants to stand up and go back downstairs again but it buzzes. He turns around, staring at the bright screen, contemplating whether to open the message and read it or just pretend he didn't see it. Then the writing catches his attention.

New message from Mitch Grassi

Is this why he was so weird earlier? Does he want to know what it is?

He does, he decides as he slowly, hesitantly approaches his device, unlocking it. It's a picture, but it didn't load yet, it's all blurry. He types the circle in the middle, waiting for a couple of moments before the image comes up big on his screen and he gasps, dropping his phone onto the floor.

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