CH 10

679 53 1

Waking up naked isn't unusual for Mitch, but waking up naked at - he checks his phone - 4:19 pm in his friend's house is definitely a first. He doesn't know how he got here, or what happened in the first place, but the room reeks of sex and alcohol so he immediately knows that yep, he did get laid and he had been wasted. But there's no one next to him, so he doesn't know who it was, or more importantly, what gender they were.

He gets up, only now noticing that horrible pounding in his head, his stomach clenching and making him sick. He covers his mouth and sprints into the bathroom, coming just in time to throw up into the toilet. He sits back, wiping his forehead and running his fingers through his sweaty hair. He's shaking, but that's normal. It's not the first time this happened, and it's definitely not the last, he knows this. He just needs some advil, a bottle of water and some food. No matter how much his stomach is revolting against the idea of having some food, he knows he has to. He hasn't had anything to eat in 24 hours, he knows this isn't healthy. At least start with some crackers.

He makes sure he's really feeling better before he flushes and stands up, studding back into the room. He's still naked, ugh. Where are his clothes? Mitch walks back and forth, searching for his clothing until he finds them crumpled up under the bed. He doesn't even want to know how they got there, but he's glad he found them. He throws his shirt on, ew, it smells like sweat and alcohol. He really needs a showe-

Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. No way.

He zips his pants up hastily and sprints through the room to find his phone before he remembers he left it on the bed. He grabs it, thankfully it still turns on. He has 5% battery left and... 3 missed calls. From Scott Hoying.

Now the messages are loading and his phone starts dinging about ten times in a row.

New message from Scott Hoying.
New message from Scott Hoying.
New message from Scott Hoying.

Mitch thinks it's done when his phone dings again.

New message from Scott Hoying.

He sighs, but unlocks his phone to read the messages.

Scott: Mitch? Our time was 3 today, right?
Scott: I know you weren't in school but if you're sick you'd tell me right?
Scott: It's now 3:20 I'm waiting
Scott: Mitch?
Scott: you okay?
Scott: It's 3:45...
Scott: hey if u really just bailed on me without having the guts to tell me
Scott: I'm doing this in my FREE TIME Mitch. For you.
Scott: but instead I'm waiting for ur ass to show up
Scott: It's 4:30 I doubt you're still gonna come

Mitch bites his lip. His read receipts are on, fuck. Now he has to answer.

Mitch: omg im so sorry!!! i was asleep and missed it
Mitch: im coming rn!

Mitch doesn't wait for the messages to get a blue tick but grabs his phone and runs outside. He remembers he has his car at Chad's, it's 1.3 miles away, but Scott's house is at the other end of the town... He needs his car. So he sprints towards his friend's house, which is now technically also his house because he's staying there, even if it's temporary. Chad's parents are supposed to come home from their vacation to Bora Bora soon, though, which means he can only stay for so long. Which also means he needs to get himself a job, and an apartment.

Before he knows it he's sitting in his car, pulling out to drive to his exclusive French lessons. About ten minutes later he arrives at his destination, knocks on the door and waits. He waits for what feels like half an eternity before someone, a girl, opens the door. She looks at him weirdly. Is it because he's so out of breath?

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