CH 17

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A/N: I know I mentioned somewhere that it's January well I fucked up just forget about that little detail 😂
Also, remember that drugs are bad, kids


"Hey there, Kirstin. Looking good."

Kirstie smiles shyly but walks up to Mitch, taking his hand. She's been so excited about this party, as soon as she found out she was going she started getting ready. And even she had to admit she looked hot.

"You look good too, Mitch," she says, her smile all so charming. She knows how to talk to boys, it worked with Jeremy.

Together, they walk up to the huge house with the huge pool in the yard where people are already taking a dip in. Loud music is blaring, you could already hear it from half a mile away, so the party is impossible to miss. They enter the house, still holding hands. Mitch hates how he suddenly feels responsible for Kirstin, it's like going out with his little sister. He reminds himself that she's just as old as him, two months older even, and she's going to be just fine. Chris walks up to them as soon as he spots Mitch in the crowd.

"Hey, bro!" He high-fives Mitch before turning to Kirstie. "Hey, beautiful. Where did you get someone like that, Mitchy? Wow."

Kirstie just smiles, batting her fake lashes at him while Mitch shrugs. "She goes to our school."

Chris' eyes widen. "Oh, shit, wait! Maldonado, right? Kristen?"

"Kirstin," Mitch corrects before she can jump in, her mouth already open to speak but she closes it again. "But yeah, that's her."

"That's me," Kirstie repeats awkwardly. She needs some alcohol, now. But thankfully, Chris seems to be able to read her thoughts as he hands them both one red cup each. "Thank you so much!" Kirstie shouts over the music. "You know exactly what I need!"

"No problem, sweetheart. Do you want a pill? I know you do, Mitch." He hands a tiny white tablet to Mitch, who immediately places it on his tongue to dissolve. Chris looks at Kirstie, who's looking at Mitch for an explanation of what it is.

"It's LSD. Not that harmful, you might not remember tonight but other than that you should be fine."

Okay, awesome, great.

Kirstie smiles. "Thanks, I'm fine."

Chris just shrugs. "Okay, whatever princess. If you change your mind, look out for me."

She nods, thankful he didn't push her into doing drugs of any sort. She's just here to have fun and make mistakes and lose her virginity to a hot guy, and she'd like to remember thankyouverymuch. She looks at Mitch who has his eyes closed and is taking a deep breath. He opens his eyes again.

"They're playing truth or dare by the pool, you wanna join?" He asks.

Kirstie nods. "Sure."

She knows they're all probably already drunk out of their minds and the game will be less, um, family friendly, but it's okay. She's starting to feel the buzz already anyway, she's not used to much alcohol. Though, if anyone calls her a lightweight, she'll fight them. She sits down next to Mitch on the floor, ready to play. There are about six other people, each one of them looking absolutely tired and wasted.

"Hey, look who joined!" One of the guys across from Kirstie shouts, looking at Mitch. She recognizes him as Drew, one of Mitch's friends. "Let's go on with you, then! Truth or dare?"

"Dare, bitch!"

"I dare you to take a boob shot from Kirstie."

Mitch looks over at Kirstie, smirking. She's got decent sized boobs, this can be freaking awesome. He sees her blush as she pulls her collar lower, almost exposing her chest. With her arms, she presses her boobs together and someone pours some vodka between them. Ugh. Okay. Mitch gets closer, until he's facing her. He lowers down, closes his eyes and licks and sucks on Kirstie's chest, making sure he doesn't miss one bit of the alcohol. Everyone around him gasps and cheers, holy shit this is weird. He licks his lips when he's done, looking into her red face.  She doesn't say anything and Mitch decides not to comment on it, instead finding his new victim.

"Brian, what about you?" He says. Brian is one of the shyer guys, he doesn't really talk much so Mitch wants him to feel included. "Truth or dare?"


"Ugh, lame," Mitch mutters under his breath but hurries to think of a good question. "Would you ever have sex outside?"

Brian slowly shakes his head. "Nope. Not my kind of stuff."

The round goes on until it's Mitch's turn again.

"Truth or dare?"

"Do you even have to ask? Dare."

"Okay..." Lance begins, thinking. "I dare you to send a nude to the last person you texted." His grin is evil, and Mitch knows immediately that he has a massive problem. Why did he have to text Scott again asking about his fucking coffee order earlier today?!

Okay, take a deep breath, it's not like he's never seen you naked.

"Oh, I forgot, the picture has to be as sexy as possible."

Shoot me, fucking shoot me now.

Mitch has never hated his friend more than right now, as he had this evil smirk on his face that Mitch wanted nothing more than to slap it off. He has to live with Scott, imagine the awkwardness between them when Scott has an actual naked photo of him on his phone.

"Okay, I'll do it," he decides, even though he basically has no other choice than to do it. It's a dare, and it's a rule that you have to do every dare you get.

He stands up and goes into the bathroom while thinking of poses he could do. He contemplates about not doing it and just telling his friends that he did but he'd feel like a cheater. So this photo better be good. If he's going to do it, he's going to do it well. He turns on the light in the bathroom, closing the door and locking it. He takes a deep breath. Okay, this is it. He pulls out his phone from his back pocket, putting it onto a small shelf and starts to strip.

Mitch looks down at himself once he's taken off everything and frowns. He feels like this isn't sexy, it's just his body but there's nothing about it. Sure, his tattoos are some kind of turn on for some people but... He needs to be hard. He takes his phone and walks to the full body mirror, turning and trying out different angles. He stands with his back to the mirror, looking over his shoulder. Hm... Nope. He turns around, biting his finger seductively and winking. Hmm... Too much? Is he just trying too hard?

Speaking of hard; Mitch reaches down with his free hand, starting to stroke himself. He bites his lip, trying not to let out too loud moans, even though no one would hear him because of the loud music. After only a few strokes he feels himself growing harder and harder until he's satisfied. He stops his movement, lets out a gasp about the loss of friction but now gets to the actual task of taking a photo of himself.

He stands sideways, making sure you could see everything there was to see. He wraps his hand around his member, holds out his phone and checks how it looks. Could be more seductive? He throws his head back slightly, biting his lip and winking. Yes, perfect! He takes a photo. And another one in the same position.

Perfect, he got it. He tries another expression though, his body staying in the same position. Instead of biting his lip and winking he's now serving. He's looking at the camera with such intensity that he thinks would kill Scott. He presses the shutter - perfect, yes. He feels like he got the perfect photo. He takes his phone to check everything, zooms in on his body but is impressed - nothing he could've done better. A smile spreads on his face as he chooses Scott's contact and sends him the last picture he took.

And now we wait. Now he needs to get rid of his small, self-induced problem, so he puts his phone away, props himself with his right hand against the wall while his left hand begins to work, stroking him quickly from the tip to the base until, after a few involuntary moans that escaped his mouth although he was biting his lip, he comes hard into his own hand. 

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