CH 27

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Scott is gripping Mitch's hand tightly as the door opens and the formerly muffled music becomes loud and overwhelms all of his senses. He assumes it's just like in the movies, you go inside, barely anyone notices you, but the truth is different when you're the school punchbag. All eyes are on the pair all of a sudden, and even though nothing changes about the loudness it feels like the music has been shut off the moment they stepped into the house. Scott doesn't even know whose house it is, but judging from the frowns on everyone's faces it doesn't matter, because no one would hesitate to kick them back out, whether they're living here or not.

"Hey, Travis!"

Scott is impressed at how well Mitch is able to ignore the almost murderous stares and just focus on one of his only friends that hasn't addressed the latest incident yet.

Travis, a brunette guy, slightly shorter than Mitch approaches them, his eyebrows drawn together in a facial expression that looks slightly intimidating and just very angry. Scott is about to take a step back when Mitch wants to do the exact opposite. He has a big smile on his face.

"Hey, Trav, can you give us something to-"

"What do you want?"

"Um, what... What do you mean?" Mitch asks, completely confused. Travis has never shown any signs of being an idiot like the others. But now he's gesturing to Scott, and Mitch feels him shivering under the stare.

"You brought your fag boyfriend with you?"

"What the fuck is your problem?" Mitch challenges, stepping a step closer to Travis while Scott takes a step back. "He's my best friend, don't talk about him like that."

"Or what." Travis laughs. "You're gonna beat me up, huh? With what, Mitch? With that sweet little voice of yours? That tiny body? He laughs again, even more obnoxiously this time.

Mitch balls his fists - he's ready to punch the hell out of him for talking like that.

"Or," he hisses. "You're not gonna live through tomorrow. But you know what? You're fucking disgusting."

"Says the one who sucked Dylan's dick for two years in the school bathroom stalls!" Travis makes a point to shout that statement as loud as he can, just to embarrass Mitch once more. Scott tugs on Mitch's leather jacket. He wants to go back home, save this situation before anyone gets hurt, but that's impossible. Mitch isn't even reacting. Instead, he slams one of his fists right into Travis' face, knocking him out. He turns around to the now glaring crowd.

"Anyone else have a problem with me?!" He shouts, and suddenly everyone shakes their heads and goes on dancing. Mitch turns back to Scott, sighing. "I'm sorry. Let's go home and have our own party."

Scott doesn't even reply to that, he just nods quickly and grabs Mitch's hand again, pulling him out of the house. Mitch slams the door shut, feeling so overwhelmed with emotions that he doesn't know if he's going to cry or laugh.

"I can't believe it." He huffs, shaking his head. "I thought Travis was the only decent person from my group of friends. But guess I was wrong."

"Let's go home and relax, yeah?" Scott says, his voice soothing even though he's on the verge of tears himself. Mitch snaps, pulling his hand out of Scott's grip.

"I don't want to relax, Scott! I was looking forward to this party, I haven't been to one in what feels like forever!"

"I- I know, Mitchy, it's just-"

"No, fuck you, Scott!" He shouts. "I just want to let go of this shit for one night! I wanna forget!"

"We'll have our own party, okay?"

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