CH 30

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At seven, Scott and Mitch both leave Scott's house to go to their little platonic dinner date. Mitch is nervous; he's never really been on a date, and to be fair it kind of feels like it. It's not like they're dressed in fancy clothes, or Scott is picking him up with his car, but Mitch is excited and nervous nonetheless. Even if it's technically just two friends going out. But Scott is also Mitch's crush, so there's that little difference.

Ben's diner is right around the corner, so they decide to walk there. After only five minutes in the breezy air they enter the restaurant and slide into the last booth at the very end, so there's a little bit more privacy.

"So," Scott smiles his trademark sweet smile that Mitch is slowly falling for. "What are you ordering?"

Mitch opens the menu and skims it. "I'm definitely taking fries. Oh, or... potato wedges? No. Fries it is. I'm a fries girl."

"Me too." Scott giggles. "I'm also taking the bacon burger."

"Then I'm taking the same thing." Mitch closes his menu again. He didn't even look at it, but he doesn't want to waste his time looking at anything other than Scott. Thankfully, Scott's thoughts seem to be mutual because he does just the same thing, locking his blue eyes with Mitch's brown ones.

"How was your day? I mean, half of the time we didn't see each other."

"Yeah, right." Mitch swallows, remembering the exact reason for that. He wonders who Scott thought about while... doing it. Was it someone he knows? "It was... okay, I guess? Luke texted me..." He bites his lip. He never meant to tell Scott about it, because he knew exactly what that would result in.

"Luke?" Scott raises his eyebrows. "Your best friend, Luke?"

Mitch just nods. "Yes. He said he was sorry and basically begged me for a second chance."

"Oh. But you- you didn't-"

"I did..."

"Mitchy," Scott whines. This is exactly what Mitch knew was going to happen. "Why? He's not good for you."

"I know! And yeah, maybe it was a mistake. But he... he really seemed sorry..."

"I just don't want him to hurt you again."

"I know." Mitch smiles warmly at Scott. "And I really appreciate it. But we've been friends for so long... I owe it to him. He was like a brother to me... An annoying brother but still."

"Okay... I mean, I don't like it, but you do what you think is the right thing. And if he hurts you ever again, I promise I don't care who he is or how popular he is, I'm gonna break his nose."

Mitch huffs out a laugh. "Thank you. Does that mean you're my best friend?"

"Of course." Scott smiles. Ugh. For a second he gets lost in those deep blue eyes until the waitress comes up and zaps him back to reality.

"Hi, what can I get you?" She smiles, not giving any attention to Scott but just looking at Mitch.

"Uh, we'd like two bacon burgers with fries, please."

"Of course." She scribbles on her notepad. "Drinks?"

"Oh, I-" He looks to Scott, searching for help. They'd completely forgotten about the drinks.

"I'd like a coke, please," Scott says. The girl doesn't even look at him but writes it down.

"And for you?" Ugh, those disgusting heart eyes. Mitch is uncomfortable.

"A coke, too, please."

"Alrighty! Will be there in a minute!" She continues writing something on her piece of paper, then tears it and sets it in front of Mitch on the table before running back to the counter. Mitch stares at it. It's a phone number.

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