CH 29

646 46 9

Knock knock.


"Uh- Y- yeah?"



The handle is being pressed down, and despite knowing that the door is locked Scott panics and pulls the covers up to cover himself.

"Is the door locked? Scotty, why did you lock the-"

"Wait, I- uh, I'll open the door, just a sec!"

He jumps out of his bed, grabbing his underwear and putting it on. He figures he could pass as someone who just had a nap, being shirt and pantless... Yes, this should work.

He sprints to the door and opens it, looking down at a very confused Mitch.

"I... just forgot my phone, and it's been a few minutes so I figured you didn't fall asleep yet..."

"Yeah, I- I didn't..."

Mitch looks around the room, finding his phone on the bedside table. Scott's eyes find the spot that Mitch is looking at and all color drains from his face. There's the used tissue... And Scott's phone... Still on, with Mitch's nude on the display.

"I'll get it for you!" He shrieks before Mitch can even take a step in the direction. "I- uh, here." He grabs the phone, running back to the smaller boy.

"Uh, thank you. Scott..." He frowns. "Were you just... jacking off?"

"No?" Fuck, it came out as a question. Scott didn't mean to make it sound like that. He feels his cheeks heat up and he's pretty positive he's as red as a strawberry.

"Alright." Mitch sighs. "I don't even wanna know."

Mitch leaves the room and Scott covers his face with his hands. What the fuck was that?! Now Mitch knows. Thankfully he didn't see the picture, though, that would've been the most humiliating thing ever. Not only did he catch him touching himself but to top it all he did it to a picture of Mitch? Embarrassing. Why did he do it again? He doesn't even like Mitch... He's hot, sure. That's why. He's hot. But why did he think of kissing him?


Luke: mitch
Luke: im sorry
Luke: mitch pls answer
Luke: i didnt mean it that way
Luke: mitchy

Mitch groans and puts his phone on silent. He doesn't need his ex best friend right now. The phone continues to vibrate though.

Luke: mitch it was spur of the moment i always accepted u
Luke: i never hated u for being gay
Luke: mitch im sorry ur my best friend
Luke: and im sorry for not being there for u when u needed me

You hurt me, asshole. You can't take that back. You left me when everyone else did and I had no one except Scott and now he's leaving me too.

Luke: ill be a better friend i promise
Luke: i need u

Mitch rolls his eyes but takes his phone and unlocks it.

Mitch: fuck you.
Mitch: i can't even go to parties anymore.
Mitch: get out of my fucking life asshole

He's just about to block Luke but he's typing... Just one more message.

Luke: i know i made a big mistake. you mean a lot to me and my lifes so much worse since we fought. when i say im sorry i really mean it mitch. i know i was an asshole but can we start over? i miss my best friend. ill never make you feel bad ever again, i promise. and if i do you can dump me and i wont ask you to take me back again. im just asking for one more chance to prove im not an asshole.

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