CH 23

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Mitch's first day back in school hits him harder than he anticipated. He's back, which means classes, lessons, focus, but it also means his friends. It's funny how some friends just completely drain you from your energy while with others, you feel so refreshed. Mitch knows that his friendship with his little group isn't the healthiest one, but it's not like he's close to them, anyways. Luke, yes. Chad? Maybe. Usually, he'd be jumping at the opportunity to see them again but now he's almost dreading it. He especially doesn't want to see Trent, not now that he's so much more aware and at peace with himself. And he certainly doesn't want to see him bullying a boy he likes. His secret best friend.

Mitch sits down next to Luke, his usual spot in the cafeteria. Most of his friends are already there but they're too engrossed in a conversation about Jenette's boobs at the party this past week end that they don't even notice him.

"Where's Trent?" Mitch asks, frowning. Luke just shrugs, biting into his sandwich.

"I saw him this morning, but I don't know."

Suddenly, there's a loud scream and something shatters on the floor. All kids in the cafeteria turn around to see what's happening, and as soon as Mitch spots Trent with Scott's bag in his hands, Scott's tray on the floor with everything that used to be on it he feels angry. For a split of a second Mitch debates whether to risk being outed and help Scott or pretend he didn't notice but his common sense takes the upper hand and he rushes over to his friend.

"What the fuck, Trent?!" He looks right into Trent's eyes, pushing him away from Scott. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Thankfully, his old self is back just in time because otherwise he might've been too scared to do anything.

Trent just points at a red-faced, embarrassed Scott. Mitch wants to slap this stupid bitch that is in his friend group.

"This fag here," Trent begins, "I hate him."

"Calm the fuck down! He's never done anything to you!"

"How come you're stopping me now, bitch?!" Trent continues, getting closer and closer to Mitch. He's speaking loud, making sure the whole school hears what he has to say. "You never said anything and now you're missing for a week and suddenly you're Mother Theresa? What got into you?!"

"Watch your fucking mouth," Mitch hisses. "I'm just saying that Scott-"

"Oh, I know." He laughs obnoxiously. "You're a fag too, aren't you? Gay for that fat ass slut right here? Why don't you just suck his dick like you did with Dylan all these years? Oh yeah, and at parties you sleep with girls, huh? My ass! Hooking up with guys every single time!" He looks down at Mitch, scrunching his nose. Mitch has a hand up to cover his mouth. He can't believe what just came out of his friend's mouth. "You're disgusting, Mitchell. I would say go to hell, but you're already on your way there. Say hi to your the the devil for me!"

Mitch can't handle it. He turns around, forcing his tears not to fall. They don't, but he feels on the verge of breaking down, crying. He feels humiliated. But before he lets Trent feel like the winner, he turns back around, punching him straight in the jaw. He hears a crack and the boy falls to the ground, knocked out, but he couldn't care less. He goes up to Scott, carefully. He wants to ask him if he's okay, but if he opens his mouth he's going to cry.

"Are you okay?" He forces himself to say, anyways. He swallows, blinking the tears away. Scott just nods slightly, but before he can ask Mitch the same thing, Mitch speaks up again. It's a whisper this time. He doesn't want the school to know any more of his private stuff. "I'm going to the bathroom. Please don't follow me."

And he turns around, heading for the restrooms. Luke follows shut quickly.

"Get out, I'm not in the mood for your lectures."

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