CH 2

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"No way."

Mitch shakes his head at his teacher's proposition.

"No disrespect, but there's no way in hell I'm gonna do that."

"Mr. Grassi, your grades have been getting worse and worse and I can't let you do this to yourself. It's still a semester until you graduate, but you need to improve or you won't be able to. And frankly, I don't see another way-"

"But not tutoring!" Mitch whines. "Please, teach, I'm sure we'll find another way, if my parents find out I'm failing they'll kill me or something. Mrs. Moreau, please..."

The teacher shakes her head. "No. I'm afraid, Mr. Grassi, this has to be done. And I know just the perfect tutor for the sessions. There's no one who's better at French than Mr. Scott Hoying. I'm sure you two will get along perfectly!" She beams. Mitch's eyes widen.

"Scott?" He asks. "Scott Hoying? No." He shakes his head wildly. "No, that's even worse than just tutoring. I'm not gonna spend hours with him trying to teach me how to say baguette."

"Excuse me?"

"No." He continues to shake his head. "He's- he's a fag. I want nothing to do with him."

"Mitchell Grassi, I will not tolerate such language in this building!"

"I- I gotta go."

Mitch runs out of the classroom, heading straight for the toilets. He needs space, space from everyone, ugh. The only problem is that he forgot he was supposed to meet up with Dylan about fifteen minutes ago in this exact bathroom for a quickie.

"Hey, Mitch, there you are. I'm bored, let's f-"

"I'm not in the mood." He shoves his friend harshly aside as he goes into a stall, locks the door and plops himself down on the floor. He sniffles. He is not gonna cry, not now, not here. But he knows he's fucked. First of all, he needs to be tutored to graduate. Second of all, his tutor is none other than Scott Hoying.

Scott Hoying, the ugliest blonde ever, he's taller than everyone in the year, but he doesn't know how to move his limbs, he's so clumsy it's terrible. Mitch even gets embarrassed just catching a glimpse of him. His jaw is too big, which results in him having a gigantic chin, his lips are super thin, his eyebrows are basically nonexistent. Honestly, Mitch catches himself contemplating about whether or not Scott actually shaved them off or if they're just so light you can't see them. Then there are his clothes, of course. Always baggy, never something form-fitting. Usually pink. Especially lately, he's just been wearing pink. He has like two friends, he's basically a loser. Not to mention he's top of the class, god, such a teacher's pet. Mitch hates guys like him. They are so stuck up, thinking they're better than everyone else just because they score 150% on every fucking test. Well, excuse me for having a life outside of school.


That's Dylan. He's knocking on the door.

"Mitch, what the fuck, I've been waiting for you."

"Fucking leave," Mitch hisses. He's tired of this bullshit.

"Don't give me that attitude. You said a quickie-"

"I fucking told you I wasn't in the mood!"

Mitch slams the door open, looking at a startled Dylan. He stares right into his big brown eyes. "What's so hard to understand, huh? I don't wanna fuck right now!"

"Okay, god."  The boy lifts his hands up in surrender. "Sorry for being fucking horny."

"It's been two days."

"And?" He shrugs. "I need my daily fuck."

"Oh my god." Mitch rolls his eyes. "You're pathetic."

"Mitch, what the fuck happened to you?!"

Before Mitch can snap completely and hurt his friend, he runs out of the bathroom and exits the school building. It's winter, so there aren't many people, which is good. He just needs some time to process the information and find a way to avoid his extra lessons with Hoying.


"Scott, why did Mrs. Moreau want to talk to you after the lesson today?"

Scott puts his fork away to focus completely on his best friend Kirstie to explain everything to her.

"Oh, she just asked me to tutor a student in French." He shrugs. "I didn't see why not."

"Do you know who it is?"

He shakes his head. "No, she said it was someone from our year, though. He seems to be failing a shit ton of classes, and I need to help him."

"Ooh, it's a he," Kirstie cooes. Scott blushes.

"Kirst, stop. I'm not gonna jump on everyone just because they're a male."

"Do you think he's hot?"

"I don't know. He's failing, though, so I think his looks will be the slightest bit of my problems."

"Oh my god, what if he's gay, too?"

"Kirstie..." He chuckles. "It's just tutoring. Nothing's going to happen."

"Who knows." She winks. "I'm calling it, you'll see."

"What if it's one of my bullies though..." He bites his lip. "I wouldn't want to face them."

"I understand." Kirstie puts her hand on his for comfort. "But if it is you can still talk to Mrs. Moreau and request a change. You're not in prison, Scott. It'll be fine."

"Okay..." He finally said. "Yeah, it has to be fine."

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