CH 32

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"Let's go skinny dipping!"

Mitch turns to Scott, an almost empty red cup in his hand. One of many that he's already had tonight.

"Come on, let's go!" He pulls his arm but feels Scott tense underneath his touch.

"No, wait, I don't think it's-"

"Come on, Scotty! Live a little!"

"I am living!" He shakes Mitch's hand off, getting irritated. Mitch is drunk out of his mind while Scott has only had one cup. He's scared he'll lose control if he drinks too much, and Mitch is not even close to a state in which he could keep Scott from drinking too much.

"Scott, what the fuck is your problem?! You didn't wanna pl- whoa." He covers his mouth with one hand, he feels the alcohol coming back up. "You didn't wanna play truth or dare earlier," he continues, "and now you don't wanna go skinny dipping! What do you wanna do, we're at a party!"

"Just- not this. We can do whatever. Do you wanna dance? We can dance."

"I don't fucking wanna."

Mitch turns away from his best friend, downing the last bit of his coke and vodka mix before he just throws the cup on the floor, not bothering to throw it in the trash.

He walks outside, heading straight to the pool where Luke is standing, drunk, still looking for people to join.

"Heya!" He slurs, waving obnoxiously for Mitch to come to him even though he's on his way. "Get nakey, we're having a party!"

"A'ight." Mitch is about to take all of his clothes off without any hesitation but someone grabs him from behind and pushes him into the pool. The water is ice cold, and he feels his insides burn from the hit. He struggles with his hands, but thankfully the pool isn't too deep so as soon as he hits the ground with his feet he can push himself back up. He breaks through the surface, gasping for air and swimming towards the edge. He grips it tightly. "F- Fuck!"

"I'm so sorry!" Luke shouts. "It was Trent, I didn't even know he was here!"

"Ugh." Luke helps him out of the water. "Bitch."

"You can wear my clothes, just go into my room, yeah?"

Mitch nods, standing up and attempting to make a beeline for Luke's room, which is quite a challenge considering he's drunk out of his mind. The fall into the pool should've sobered him up a little, technically speaking, but practically it didn't do anything. He giggles, grabbing a cup of rum and coke this time, having a good sip of it. He opens the door, surprised to find Scott in there, sitting on the bed, his head in his hands. He looks up, tensed, but relaxes the moment he recognizes Mitch.

"Hey there, Scotty-boy." He smirks, drinking another sip and setting it down on the desk before turning around to lock the door.

"I'm sorry about earlier," Scott says. "I know how much fun you're having, I shouldn't have reacted that way."

"Is fine, it's- really, is okay," Mitch slurs, shrugging it off. "I'm sorry, didn't wanna make you umco- unconft- uncomfortable."

Scott giggles, but then a frown appears on his forehead. "Wait, didn't you say you were going skinny dipping? What happened to your clothes?"

"Oh." Right, his clothes. He starts taking off his shirt. "Travis pushed me in."

"Travis?!" Scott raises his eyebrows. "I'm gonna-"

"Wait, no- Trent. Sorry, they all have basically the same name."

"So it was Trent?"

"Yeah." He tugs his pants down with his underwear at once, exposing himself to Scott.

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