CH 28

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Mitch wakes up with a start. Oh good. He's in his own bed - well, Scott's bed. What the fuck happened last night? He rubs his eyes with his hands.



He kissed Scott. Well, Scott kissed him. While he was drunk. Oh... fuck. If he wasn't in big trouble before, he certainly is now.

Scott is gone, somewhere, Mitch doesn't know where. Why didn't he stop him? Mitch wasn't even drunk at all! He could've easily said no, but... He gave in to his stupid feelings. Fuck.

The door to the bathroom suddenly opens and Scott exits, shirtless, his hair damp, and a stupid, sweet smile on his face. He looks down at Mitch.

"Good morning, sunshine."

"Morning," Mitch only mutters grumpily in return. He's not in the mood for overly motivated humans. But there's a part of him that cares about that boy. "How are you feeling?" He asks carefully. He's going for a more open question, so Scott can answer with whatever he wants to.

"My head hurts a little, but other than that, I'm fine. You? We had a lot to drink, didn't we?"

"Well... You had two cans, I had three... I think," Mitch recalls.

"Right. God, I was so wasted. I've never had a drop to drink."


Scott sits down on the edge of the bed, turning around so he's facing Mitch.

"Something wrong?" There's a hint of concern in his voice. Mitch shakes his head, though, painting a fake smile on his face.

"I'm good." Are we gonna talk about it? "We had, uh, a lot of fun last night."

"Really?" Scott raises his eyebrows. There's sadness in his eyes, his face seems curious, but the sadness is just kind of... out of place. "What did we do?"

"You- you don't remember?"

Scott slowly shakes his head. "No, I- I don't."

"Well..." Is that a good thing?! "We played never have I ever. That- That was pretty much it. We listened to Beyoncé, too." If Scott can't remember, then maybe it's better to just pretend it never happened, as much as it hurts Mitch. It wasn't meant to be.

"Really, that was it?" Scott laughs, but it kind of sounds broken. "Sounds like a lot of fun. Well, at least we enjoyed ourselves."

"Yeah," Mitch tries to laugh, too, but it just comes out as a tired huff. "So... Are you okay? Not remembering anything?"

"Yeah," Scott says, standing back up from the bed. "I'm good. I need to have some breakfast, though, I need to take a painkiller for my headache. What do you wanna eat? We have bacon, eggs, pancake mix, I can go out and get some donuts, too, if you want?"

"Whatever you want, Scotty," Mitch says, his giggle now genuine. He's so cute...

"Can we have pancakes?" Scott asks excitedly. There's still something dull in his eyes, but it seems to be slowly fading away... Or it's just Mitch's imagination.

"Of course." He smiles sweetly. "I'll make them."

Scott grabs his wrist, sending a jolt through his body. It brings him back to last night, before... the biggest mistake ever happened. Scott seems to catch up on the sudden change of atmosphere because he shyly lets go of Mitch's hand.

"Come on," he says more softly now. "We'll make them together."


Why the fuck did he lie?!

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