CH 4

692 49 3

A/N: I don't guarantee that the French parts make any sense lmao I tried

Meet me in the west bathroom at 10

- M

Scott folds the note he found on his desk and puts it into his back pocket. No doubt the note is Mitch's, but Mitch is nowhere to be found. They have French right now, it is 9:15, and Mitch is skipping class once again. Scott sighs. This was the class he's supposed to tutor him in, why doesn't he just show up like a goddamn normal student?!

If you can't tell, Scott is already done with the boy and they haven't even started yet.

"Bonjour la classe," Mrs. Moreau begins. "Où est M. Grassi? Je l'ai vue ce matin."

Scott shrugs. Where is Mr. Grassi? He's been asking himself this question all damn day. Apparently he's been around this morning, that's what the teacher just said and of course, the note Scott found on his desk confirmed just that. He has to be somewhere. Scott zones out, contemplating about whether to follow Mitch's instruction, because bathroom doesn't sound too promising. He thinks back to the text from yesterday, offering a blowjob. Is he going to do it?

Scott keeps an eye on his watch, finally deciding to meet up with Mitch. The odds that he wants to give Scott a blowjob after yesterday are close to zero, so he figures it's worth a try. Maybe he wants to discuss something in person rather than over text. Whatever it is, Scott is ready to find it out. So, at 9:57, he raises his hand.

"Mme Moreau, est-ce que je pourrais aller aux toilettes, s'il vous plaît?"

Wow. And he isn't even lying.

"Bien sûr, Scott, go ahead!"

Scott just nods a thank you and storms out of the class, heading towards the west bathroom. Mitch is a smart kid, Scott figures he chose this bathroom because it was closest to their classroom. Still, Scott makes a mental note to ask him about his whereabouts.

He opens the door, expecting to be early but Mitch is already there, casually leaning against the wall, a cigarette between his fingers.

"There you are, Hoying," he says, pushing himself away and stubbing out his cigarette, throwing it into the trash afterwards. "Finally."

"Where have you been?"

Mitch tugs at his black shirt with a motorcycle printed on it.

"Didn't wanna come."

"You do realize that you're playing with your future, right?"

Mitch rolls his eyes. He's so tired of these know-it-all types of people, always trying to tell him how to live his life.

"Duh. Still didn't wanna."

"Why did you want me to come here?"

A smirk spreads on Mitch's lips.

"Depends on what you want."

Mitch is still repulsed by the thought of having any kind of interaction with Scott, but he can't help himself. He loves to play with his game. And yesterday, that offer... That was completely impulsive. Mitch would do it, for not having to study, but still, it wasn't the most thought through thing he'd ever said.

"Anyway, what I was actually gonna say, when is our lesson? Can we not put it on a week end because there are three parties and I-"

"Hold on, you're going to three parties in two days in the middle of test weeks?"

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