CH 16

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"So, um... Mitch?"

"Yes, Scotty?" Mitch looks up from his phone. It looks like he's been texting someone, but he turns it off and focuses his attention completely on Scott.

"This is like, completely random, but what do you think of my friend Kirstie?"

"Kirstin Maldo?"


Mitch ignores the correction. "She's cute. Hot, yeah." He doesn't really know her, but she's a girl and she looks pretty decent. She's got boobs.

"Do you want her number?"

"Um, sure!" He unlocks his phone, going into his contacts to add Kirstin.

Surprised at how easy it was to convince Mitch to get Kirstie's contact, he pulls out his phone as well and reads out her number while Mitch types it in.

"Thank you!"

"Uh, no problem. I feel like you should text her. I hope I'm not saying too much, but... she seems interested."

Mitch raises his eyebrows in surprise. It's not uncommon for girls to be interested, but he wouldn't have thought Kirstin Maldo was one of them. He feels like she's the only girl that keeps him wondering if he's bi.

"I'll definitely text her," he promises. "Does she like parties?"

"She does, actually."

"Great. Unlike you, party pooper."

"Excuse me?"

Mitch laughs. "I'm joking, Scooter. Come on, live a little."

"Mitch... I feel like we should talk... about yesterday."

The brunette boy raises his perfectly snatched eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"When you... came into the shower." Scott looks away, suddenly very interested in a loose thread on the comforter.

"Oh... Was that too much?" He's genuinely worried. He just wants to play a little, he doesn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable.

"No, well, I mean, kind of? I mean, I'm obviously a gay boy and you are-"

"A boy too?"


"You liked it."

"That's not what I'm trying to say, Mitch."

"But you did. I saw you got hard."

"Mitch." He blushes furiously. Of course, hoping Mitch wouldn't notice is stupid, but still... He'd hoped the boy had enough decency not to mention it.

"It's okay, I got too. Nothing to be ashamed of."

"Why, though? I thought you're..."

"Straight?" Mitch shakes his head. "In case you didn't notice, I'm very... not straight. That's why I'm in this mess in the first place." He smiles sarcastically. "But whatever. I'll live. Oh, and if you tell anyone I said that I'll fuck you up, just so you know. You know my friends."

"But are they really friends if they hate the real you?" Scott questions, one eyebrow raised. Mitch scoffs and shrugs it off.

"We're not as touchy feely as you and Maldo, they-"


"That's not the point! They throw the biggest parties, and it would be a shame to miss them just because I can't keep myself under control."

"You're doing this to yourself just for what, alcohol? Drugs?"

Mitch shrugs. "And sex. You'll want more once you get a taste of it, it's mindblowing."

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