CH 8

660 45 3

Mitch doesn't want to go home, he's dreading it. There is barely anything that makes him shake like that, makes his mind go blind and keep him dead in his tracks, but the fear of his parents is what does that to him. He takes his keys out of the pocket of his leather jacket. It might sound weird to someone who doesn't understand it, but the smell of leather, that familiar feel of the material against his skin is what keeps him grounded. He opens the door, he hasn't been here for days, not that his parents care, but he just wants to stay away for as long as he can. He would even sleep over at Hoying's if he could avoid going home, and that has to mean something.

"Mitchell? Is that you?" His mother's voice echoes through the empty halls. Mitch shivers at the sound. That shrill tone that gives him flashbacks to his childhood and lets him know he's here and he can't get away anytime soon. The sound that scares him shitless when he's home and haunts him when he's gone. The sound that brings countless old memories back that Mitch is so desperately trying to keep locked away.


His voice sounds shaky. This isn't him, but whenever he comes back home to his parents he goes from fearless, popular Mitch Grassi to that scared little boy that he was during his childhood. He hates it, but he can't do anything about it. He's still a minor, he can't move out yet, but he already made a promise to himself at the age of twelve to move out the moment he turns eighteen years old.

"There you are, kissyboy." She smiles at him, that seemingly kind smile ruined by that evil flicker in her eyes. She leans in to press a kiss to his forehead, leaving a lipstick mark. She leans back, looking at him disapprovingly, but she doesn't say anything.

"I was gonna leave in a moment," Mitch mutters, turning away to head into his room but his mother's stern voice stops him.

"Your father wanted to speak to you."

Mitch stops dead in his tracks.


"We got a call from the school. They said you're failing."


"Hello, Mitchell."

That is Mike. Mitch already hates his mom, but this man is worse.


"I believe we have some things to discuss. First of all, you're grounded for three weeks. No going out. Second of all... Basement."

Mitch's eyes widen. "Basement?"

"You heard right." Mike leans against the wall casually. "You're staying in the basement."

Mitch panics. Last time this happened, he was severely underweight for half a year later, had a trauma and couldn't get back to eating normally. Basement means just the most essential amount of food. A small bottle of water a day. And sleeping on the floor. Mitch feels like this is his personal hell.

"Mitchell," his mom begins, hugging him from behind and pecking his cheek. "We love you so much. We're just trying to help you." He wants to get away, he really does want to free himself from her hard grip but he can't, defeated by his own weakness.

He panics. His breath starts going faster, he feels like he's choking, like he can't breathe even though he's inhaling and exhaling. Tears stain his vision, all he can see is in a blur now, but his mom is clinging onto him, not letting him go.

"We're bringing you into the basement now. No phone, right? Give me your phone, Mitchell."

His dad holds out his hand, but Mitch shakes his head, for the first time ever speaking against his father.


"Give me your phone. End of discussion."

Mitch lets his instincts take over. He pushes his mother away with all strength he has left, frees himself from her grip and manages to escape. He grips his phone tightly in his hand, running out of the house, breathing through his nose to stop himself from breaking down. He gets into his car, starts the engine and drives away. He doesn't know where to, he doesn't think he has someone, anyone he can stay with. Luke would be the only one from his group of friends that he would trust with this mess, but he knows him and his family. They'll be all too willing to help him out, but they're not the wealthiest, have a small apartment in the suburbs and barely have money to pay for the needs of their own three kids. He would just be a burden. So he drives to the only place he knows. School. He could hide behind the bleachers like he always does when he skips, and maybe he'd come up with a plan.

He walks up to his secret spot, then finally sits down and hides his face in his hands. He's shaking, completely overwhelmed with the world. He hates the smell of leather, his jacket, he wants to rip it off, but at the same time it keeps him from freaking out completely. He sniffles. Oh no, the tears are coming. He feels his hands get wet, and soon, he is crying, hard, one sob following the other. He contemplates calling Luke but decides against it, he knows he'd want to help but he doesn't want his help. He doesn't want to burden his best friend. So he just sits there until he calms down a bit. He wipes the last stray tears from his eyes before he stands back up and paces back and forth. He has no idea where to sleep. Usually, when he didn't come back home at night it was due to a party, but there was no party tonight, so he couldn't sneak in anywhere to get free food and something to numb his pain.

So he pulls out his phone.

Mitch: pls dont ask why but can i crash at ur place???

Chad: ofc u know that
Chad: what happened? u ok?

Mitch rolls his eyes. He had one job not to ask any questions.

Mitch: im fine

Chad: thats stupid ur not

Mitch: stupid answer to a stupid question

He immediately gets back to his car and starts driving toward Chad's house. It's only a five minute drive from school, fortunately, and soon he's standing in front of the big white door, ringing the doorbell.

The door opens before he could let go of the bell button.

"Hi, come in!" Chad says, pulling him into the house and capturing him in a tight hug. Mitch waits for a while before he hugs back, a bit hesitating. He isn't really the touchy type of person, always keeping his distance but he also understands why Chad is doing this. Honestly, he would probably react the same way.  "Do you wanna tell me what happened?"

Mitch just shakes his head.

"No. Let's just get drunk and forget about everything for a while."

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