CH 5

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Scott opens the door, letting an already grumpy, annoyed Mitch in.

"You wanted me to come and 'bring my stuff' so here I am, you have two hours to teach me French and then I'm out. I ain't keeping up with your ugly ass."

"Wow, hello to you too." Scott closes the door. "What on earth happened to make you so frustrated?"

Mitch looks him dead in the eye.

"You happened. And Mrs. Moreau. And listen, I swear to god if anyone finds out about this, I'm making your life hell. Same goes for the message I sent you."

Scott wants to ask something, but he keeps it to himself, deciding to play the safe card.

"No one's going to find out."

Little does Mitch know Kirstie had already found out.

"Anyway, we have two hours, better get started. Come on, we're going into my room."

Scott leads them both into his bedroom, having an extra seat already prepared at his desk. He also made sure to prepare a notebook, in case Mitch happened to accidentally forget his French books.

"So, what are we learning today?"

"Everything," Scott simply states. Mitch blinks.

"What do you mean, everything?"

He just shrugs, sitting down and opening a page in the book. "You said I have two hours to teach you French, so... everything."

"You're a little fucker, you know that?" Mitch says but sits down next to Scott anyway. He looks at the page Scott just opened, frowning. "Scott, that's like Chinese."

"You're Italian, aren't you?"

Mitch grits his teeth. He hates his father, and he hates being reminded that he has his blood.

"You're gay, aren't you?" He retorts instead. Scott sighs.

"Mitch, it would help a lot if you just answered my questions."

"Fine." Mitch rolls his eyes dramatically. "What does that have to do with anything, though?"

"If you speak Italian, you'll learn French easier. It's a similar language."

"Yeah, I don't."

"Okay..." Scott skims through their French book. "Then we'll start from scratch. Basic rule - there are feminine and masculine nouns. Le and la are the articles, like the in English. There's also l with an apostrophe, you use that when the noun starts with a vowel."

"Okay, cool. What does 'do you wanna fuck' mean in French?"

Scott looks at him, trying to figure out if he's being serious.

"I- I don't know."

"What kind of French teacher are you?" Mitch says rolling his eyes dramatically, but Scott just ignores that.

"Mitch, focus."

Scott starts writing something down for Mitch to memorize, which gives Mitch enough time to think about everything. He observes Scott when he writes, hand gripping the pencil tightly, his focused expression, his furrowed brows, his scrunched nose. He almost looks... adorable? No. Mitch shakes his head. He is not gay, nor is Scott Hoying adorable in any way. He's just an ugly blonde nerd trying to save him from failing his classes. While Mitch really appreciates his effort, he can't really do anything to show him. He already made a note to stop giving blowjobs to boys, and therefore receiving too, so he can't do that. Scott bites his lip and Mitch finds himself getting slightly turned on.

Fuck. He needs to get laid as soon as possible! Stupid teenage hormones. Making him horny 24/7.


Scott waves his hand in front of the boy's face. Oops, he zoned out. Too deep in thoughts about his little problem downstairs.

"Uh- yeah? What?"

Scott chuckles. "Here you go. Those are grammar rules, the basic ones. How to conjugate."

"Why are there twenty different versions of literally the same word?!"

Scott chuckles once again. Mitch is so oblivious, it's almost cute. He's still an asshole, though.

"That's French for ya," he simply says.

"Alright," Mitch gives in, sighing. "So I have to learn that?"

The blonde boy nods. "Yes. Memorize it, and then we'll see. Mitch..." He turns around to face the smaller brunette. "It's really not smart of you to bail after one lesson. Think about it."

Mitch looks at Scott. He knows exactly he's right, but how is he supposed to hide this? One lesson is not a problem, but several more? If anyone finds out, Mitch doesn't know how he'd survive that.

"Okay. Don't get your hopes up, though. I'm not interested."

"Who said I was interested? It's just tutoring." Scott furrows his brows.

Mitch finally sighs and gives in. A few more sessions wouldn't kill him.

"Fine, Hoying. But not more than twice a week."

"Wasn't planning on doing that."

That's when the door opens and Scott's mom, Connie, barges in.

"Hey, boys, sorry for interrupting."

She comes into the room, holding out a hand for Mitch.

"You must be Mitch, right? I'm Connie, it's such a pleasure to meet you."

"Um, hi, same here."

"Anyway, I wanted to ask if you'd like to stay for dinner? I'm making my famous chicken casserole, you have to try it."

Mitch thinks of a nice way to decline. He's already been in this house for roughly one and a half hours and he can't wait to get out.

"Um, sorry, but I already made plans for tonight. Maybe next time?" He smiles politely.

"No problem, sweetie," Connie says, having Scott roll his eyes at the pet name. Mitch just holds back a giggle. "Let me know when you come over and I'll make it again. Okay, that's it, have fun boys." She throws a knowing smirk at her son before exiting his bedroom. Scott groans. Ever since he came out as gay she's been trying to set him up with a boy, it's truly annoying. And now, Mitch Grassi here isn't the ugliest boy ever, quite the opposite actually, so she's being even more embarrassing. Great.

"Sweetie. Gosh your mom is cute."

"Sorry, oh my god. She's the worst."

"Then you've never met my mom," Mitch just mutters, barely audible but he soon wishes he wouldn't have said that at all. "Who am I kidding, I've never met her either."

Mitch cringes. That's not making it any better. Scott just looks at the boy for a second before deciding it's probably for the best to just pretend he didn't hear it. That's also what Mitch was going for.

"Okay, Mitch. Promise you'll come back?"

"Why do you want me to so bad?"

"I just wanna help."


"Okay?" Scott raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah. I'll come back," Mitch says. "But I got a party tomorrow. So next week."


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