CH 26

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Mitch can feel the judgement as he walks through the hallway. He feels the stares on him, he's being stared at from all sides, from everyone, from freshmen to fellow seniors. The looks linger on him as he grabs his books out of his locker, they linger on him as he enters the classroom, even when he talks to other students. Normally, he'd be loving the attention but this isn't the good kind. He feels how people hate him, and how they avoid crossing his way. He watches as students change the side of the hallway when he walks in their direction.

For the first time in forever, Mitch truly feels alone. He lost the support of his former best friend Luke, just like he lost pretty much all of his friends. Of course he did, they're not about that lifestyle. He sighs. If they only were a little less... stupid.

He's not only lost the support of his friend group, also Scott... Their relationship isn't the same anymore ever since he stupidly confessed his stupid feelings. So yes, he's in love with Scott Hoying. So what? Let him live his life, goddammit.

He pushes the door open that was ajar before, the door to hell. Well, to the French classroom, but that's the same thing.

He's late again, what a surprise. Once again, all eyes are on him and he feels like sinking into the floor and leave no trace of him ever existing. Mrs. Moreau just smiles her twisted smile at him, and that's also when he notices all the sheets of paper on the desks and the distressed looks on his fellow students' faces.

"Bonjour, M. Grassi," she chirps overly excitedly, and Mitch wants to punch something. "You're coming just in time for a vocabulary surprise test."

"Ha ha, surprise," Mitch mutters under his breath but grabs the sheet and plops down on his seat at the very back of the class. He steals a glance at Scott and he feels his cheeks heat up as he catches Scott looking back at him, a soft, soothing smile on his face. Immediately, he feels more at ease, he even has to suppress a smile to keep his cool facade. He looks away, turns his focus to the sheet with random French and English words scattered across the paper. The task is pretty clear.

Translate and paraphrase.

His stomach churns but when he looks at the first word he remembers his lesson with Scott last night. They'd already been in bed but Scott had insisted on practicing words for half an hour because he 'had a weird feeling about French today.' Well, his weird feeling has been confirmed, but Mitch can't help but be thankful and glad that Scott had been so persistent. And he has to admit, French with Scott doesn't even seem like a duty, it's even fun. He gets to hear Scott speak French, who wouldn't want that? His dicks of friends probably, but let's not think about them now.

In only ten minutes he fills out the whole sheet, not missing one word. That's never been the case. He can't help but feel at least a little proud of himself.

The teacher collects the tests and frowns at Mitch's, suspecting he copied or something, but she just lets it go, which Mitch is glad about.

On another note, there's a party today. Even though Mitch is pretty much the most hated guy in school, he still doesn't want to miss out on a party. Who would he be to let his reputation stop him?


"Scotty?" Mitch whispers as he spots Scott getting some books from his locker. Even though that was a soft whisper, Scott still startles, making Mitch laugh.

"Oh my god." He holds a hand to his chest. "What's up?" He smiles. Oh, fuck, that smile.

"Wanna go to a party later?" He raises his eyebrows, smiling a bright smile. He loves parties, and Scott knows it. Still, he's so amazed by how excited Mitch can be. He finds it almost... cute?

"Um... I don't know, to be honest." He scratches the back of his neck. He doesn't want to say no, but he's never been to a real party before and he heard from Kirstie what it can be like. She ended up naked, to say the least.

Mitch's smile falls and is replaced by a sad frown. "Why not?"

"I- I'm scared... Kind of," Scott admits after a moment of hesitation. "I've never really been out, or... Gotten drunk, or anything like that."

"Anything like that, huh? Never been fucked?" Mitch winks. Ugh, his old self is resurfacing again, he quickly gets back to being serious. "I'm sorry, that's just- that's my nature. Anyway, there's always a first time. But if you really don't want to, we don't have to go."

Scott considers the offer for a moment before he finds himself nodding. "Yeah. Yeah, okay, I'll go with you."

"What?" Mitch almost shouts but covers his mouth with his hand. "Really? Thank you!"

He wants to kiss him. He really does, but he goes for a tight hug instead, catching Scott off guard either way. His heart hurts a little because this is all he can do.

"You sure about it? In school?" Scott whispers as Mitch is still hugging him. He knows Mitch wasn't a big fan of sharing affection in public with Scott, why now, especially now that everyone knows about them?

Mitch leans back and sighs resignedly. "Who cares? You're better than their judgemental asses anyway, so I'd rather be seen with you."

Scott raises his eyebrows. "Wait. Why didn't you want to be around me before?"

"I was an asshole."

Scott wants to contradict him but once he sees the smile on Mitch's face he knows that now is not the time to be serious.

"You still are." He smirks.

Mitch winks. "I'm your asshole. Now, let's go home."

Scott holds out a hand for Mitch to take. He knows Mitch would never ask, so he's doing it, and his heart warms up as Mitch smiles warmly, taking his hand into his and interlacing their fingers.


"Mitchy?" Scott says as he stops at a red light, breaking the silence. The brunette just looks up.


"You know, when you said sorry about being... Sexual, I just wanted you to know it's okay. It's your nature, and I know that. I don't want you to change for me. I like you the way you are."

Mitch seems to visibly relax at that.

"Yeah... Thank you. I just thought, maybe you'd be uncomfortable because you think I wanna make a move on you, which we established is... Out of question." He mutters the last bit, not even noticing. He's fidgeting with his hands, playing with the sleeve of his black turtleneck sweater.

"Yeah..." Scott sighs. "But I know you. Just don't... change your personality for me."

"I'm not doing that..."

"Do you feel comfortable with me? Be honest."

Mitch thinks for a second. "Yes. I've never- I've never felt more comfortable around anyone," Mitch admits, getting flustered. "I don't feel like I'm changing, though I know what you mean. It's just- You're making me a better person, that's all."

Scott smiles at him softly before he drives on.

"You were never a bad person."

"Let's not... talk about that. We both know that's not true."


Scott parks at the side of the road, stopping the car and getting out, Mitch doing so as well.

"It's okay, Scott, I don't wanna talk about it. Let's just get ready for the party."

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