CH 22

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"We kissed..." Mitch bites his lip, unsure how his best friend would react. But he just raises his eyebrows, surprised.

"Wh- wait, what do you mean you kissed?"

"Well, we kissed. I don't know, it just happened."

"Did he make the first move?"

Mitch nods slowly. "Yeah... I mean, kind of. The first time he did and the second time... It was kind of mutual I guess?"

Luke's eyes widen at the realization. "Hold on, you kissed twice? Mitchy, that's-"

"I know." Mitch rolls his eyes. "That's Hoying we're talking about, he's disgusting blah blah, whatever you wanna say it's not true, he's... He's been a good friend to me."

Luke seems to relax again. "Yeah..." He says more softly now, "I know. I'm sorry, I- I'm sure he's not... Any of those things."

"He's not..." Mitch shakes his head. "He's so talented. He sings and plays the piano, it's insane what he can do."

"Okay, I'm sure that's cool and everything, but how did you kiss? What happened? How did it happen?"

Mitch huffs out a laugh. "I can't believe you're so thirsty for the tea. We were watching a movie and cuddling and I don't know, we were teasing each other and then he kissed me..." Mitch tries to suppress a smile at the memory. "And then when we were about to go to sleep I wanted to... I wanted to kiss him again and I asked but stopped midway through because I realized how stupid I sounded and then he said that it's okay and then I kissed him..." Mitch makes a point of not telling Luke what he'd promises not to tell anyone.

"Aw, is little Mitchy in love?" Luke teases, expecting a laugh and a loud no, but Mitch just huffs instead and doesn't reply. Thankfully, Luke takes the clue and stops teasing and turns back to bring serious. "No, seriously, though. Do you have feelings for him?"

"You know I don't do feelings." Mitch sighs, taking a cigarette out of the package and lighting it up. He huffs out a soft puff. "But it might be the first time for me to feel something, whatever it is. He's not like the others. He's making me a better person. Shit-" Mitch laughs. "He makes me want to quit smoking.".

"Wow." Luke says, smiling. "Whatever you do, I hope you're happy, Mitchy."

"Thank you."

"Have you done... More than kissing?" Luke asks after a moment of silence. Mitch just looks at him with a blank expression before he starts speaking.

"Not really. I wanted to, at first. I mean, he's hot, so-" Luke frowns at that, making Mitch stop mid-sentence. "What?"

"Well, hot isn't exactly the first word that comes to my mind when I see him."

"Well, guess who has no fucks to give, Luke. Anyways, I wanted to make him give in to me but I kind of stepped over a line and I realized that I shouldn't, no matter how tempting it is."

"What did you do?" He wants to know.

Mitch just shrugs. "Nothing specific. I just teased him a lot and stuff. Then I, uh... I sent him a nude. He said I was hot, but he sounded weirded out by it and then I caught him singing a song in the shower about a guy who plays people and leaves their hearts broken and how he doesn't wanna be hurt, so I just assumed it was about me."

Luke doesn't know what to ask about first. He doesn't even know if he processed everything correctly.

"Wait- you- you sent him a nude? Why would you do that, Mitch?! Don't send nudes!"

"It was a dare!" Mitch snaps, defending himself. He knows it maybe wasn't the smartest thing he's ever done but he was tipsy and he wanted to tease him a little more. "Besides, it's not like he's never seen me naked before that."

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