CH 14

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Mitch wakes up with a pounding headache and a sore throat, but at least he remembers what happened. He groans, pressing a pillow to his face when he notices he's... in a bed? He was supposed to sleep on Scott's couch since his parents know now and wouldn't get a heart attack seeing him in the morning. How did he get into Scott's bed, unless... this isn't his bed? He throws the pillow to the side, letting his eyes adjust to the too bright lighting. He recognizes the room immediately, it's definitely Scott's room...

He hears the shower running, it's 10 in the morning on a Saturday, so not too late. Groaning, he gets out of the bed, heading straight into the bathroom. He knows this is where Scott keeps his advil and he desperately needs one right now, along with some water. He gets in, but hears a loud scream and jumps.

"What the fuck, Mitch! Get out!"

"Could you stop screaming, I'm hungover for fuck's sake! I just need a painkiller, that's all."

"Not when I'm taking a shower!"

He just ignores Scott, taking his painkiller and getting back out of the bathroom. Jeez. He tugs at his shirt, realizing how smelly it is and takes it off, then gets rid of his pants too. Oh, right. No underwear. Well, he doesn't really care. He stands up from the bed and goes back into the bathroom, fully aware that Scott is still taking a shower and wouldn't change his mindset in a matter of two minutes, but Mitch really doesn't judge bodies and he needs a shower. He's just saving water, okay?

This time, Scott doesn't notice the door open and the smaller boy sneak in, but he jumps when someone opens the shower door and steps in right behind him. He drops the shower head and covers himself up with his hands.

"What the fuck!"

"Please, man. My headache is killing me." Fucking Mitch.

"Would you get out, please." He tries to keep his voice calm, but he's gritting his teeth. Mitch rolls his eyes.

"I'm trying to save water. It's expensive these days."

Scott huffs. "Your're not leaving are you?"

"Nope." Mitch makes sure to pop the p, getting the shower head and starting to lather himself in soap. Scott finally gives up and reaches for his shower gel, starting to scrub his body for the second time. He doesn't know why he doesn't just get out since he's pretty much done already, but he's just there for... company? He feels weird going out now though, and maybe, just maybe, he enjoys looking at the boy in the shower with him. And boy oh boy, does Mitch enjoy looking at Scott. He's bigger than he assumed, actually... He bites his lip, tearing his look away to focus on something else, just a random spot. He doesn't want to make things awkward between him and his new, secret roommate. But fuck, he can't get hard now...

But... Oh... Okay. When he looks at Scott again, at his body, he sees that he's seeming to enjoy this shower. But he doesn't mention it. Instead, he just ignores it as best as he can, washing his hair. God, he'd love to touch but he can't. He's crossed too many lines already in one day, this would be too much. He's playing with fire, but so far he didn't get burned. It wouldn't take much more though.

Scott doesn't know what he's doing. He knows this is all kinds of wrong, he knows he has to get out and pretend nothing ever happened. He hopes Mitch isn't some evil jerk who has a backup plan and is going to expose him to all of his friends. That would be the end for him. He's risking way too much. So he opens the shower door, getting one last peek at that glorious body and makes a beeline for the door. He's still dripping with water, but he gets some towels out of his closet to dry himself. He didn't want to stay in the bathroom any longer than he had to. After grabbing the first sweater and pants that he got he puts them on, not caring if they match or don't, and heads downstairs. He needs to clear his mind, calm himself down. Nothing happened, Mitch isn't like his friends. Or is he? In some aspects, he certainly is. He does drugs and drinks an excessive amount, has sex on a daily basis (Scott assumes, if the rumors are anything to go by), he fucks literally everyone he can get. But so far, he only knows of girls. Especially this one girl, Stacy Chapman, she's a lucky girl. Mitch seems to go back to her, she's the only one who got multiple nights with Mitch. Those are the rumors, and Scott doesn't know if he wants to believe them.

Scott is openly gay. Mitch seems to be nice about that, but... he thinks back to his first text conversation with the boy, how he offered to give him a blowjob. This has been on Scott's mind quite a lot lately, he can't stop thinking about it and wondering if maybe Mitch thinks just because he's gay he's easy to get, or if he thinks this is an appropriate way to 'pay' him. Oh no. He covers his face with his hands, wishing to sink into the cushions and disappear for a moment. He's filled with guilt about what happened. He just took a shower with Mitch. Mitch saw him naked, and he openly checked him out. Now he probably thinks Scott is easy to get, which is exactly what he didn't want in the first place. His chest hurts, he feels so bad. He wishes he could make it undone. But he has a friend he can talk to. Kirstie.

He takes out his phone, opening Kirstie's chat history and starts typing.

Scott: Hey Kirst you there? xx

It only takes a few seconds for his best friend to reply.

Kirstie: Ofc honey, what's wrong? Is mitch there? Did he do something? I'm gonna end him I stg

Scott huffs out a small laugh. His best friend, always there for him.

Scott: No, everything's fine with Mitch. Well, maybe not. But it's nothing he did, more something that I did... Anyway, can we meet up? I need to talk to you about it

Kirstie: Omw!


Scott: No! Kirst, we can't meet up here. Can I come over?

He prays that Kirstie sees the message and didn't already start driving.

Kirstie: Ofc

Scott puts his phone away and walks upstairs again. He hopes Mitch isn't naked in his room, he doesn't think so but you never know with him. He isn't afraid to show his body, and Scott somehow finds himself being impressed by his confidence. Still, he's not in the mood to walk in on him.

Thankfully, Mitch is fully dressed, scrolling through his phone while cuddling Scott's favorite, fluffy pillow. Of course he doesn't know it's Scott's favorite, but it's nice to know that Scott isn't the only one who likes hugging it.


This catches the boy's attention and he looks up from his phone.


"I'm meeting up with Kirst, you can- you can make yourself right at home, yeah? You know where everything is, and if not, just ask my parents."


Alrighty. Scott chuckles. "See you later tonight."

"Actually, I'm going out. Lance is throwing a party, and-"

"You're going out again?" Scott furrows his brows worriedly. "You're still hungover from last night."

"And?" Mitch shrugs. "This is what I've always done. Another night won't kill me."

"Okay, but promise you won't pass out right in front of my bed and give me a heart attack in the middle of the night again, okay?"

That was horrible! When Mitch got home last night he just passed out, right in front of Scott, who was fast asleep. Well, until he heard the fall. He then had to carry Mitch into his bed and tuck him in, which was... rather difficult when he wasn't moving and helping him at all.

"I'll try not to. I'm sleeping on the couch tonight."

"Yeah, that's also what you said last night," Scott remembers.

"Anyway, have fun, Scottney!"

Scottney? He raises an eyebrow. "You too, Mitchy."

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