CH 3

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"Oh my god, Scott!" Kirstie shouts through the hall as she runs up to her best friend and captures him in a tight hug. "I just saw Mrs. Moreau in the hallway and she told me to tell you who you're gonna be tutoring. He's hot. As. Fuck. Lucky bastard."

Scott blushes slightly but smiles at Kirstie. He's been excited to find out the name of the mysterious person but equally as anxious. But now that Kirstie seems so excited, he finds himself relaxing a little bit.

"Who is it?"

"Mitch Grassi. Oh my god, I can't believe this!" She puts a hand in front of her mouth to suppress a gasp.

Scott's heart drops. Mitch Grassi. Fuck.

"Kirst," he hisses. "Why are you so fucking excited about it, he's like, Trent's best friend. Oh my god, fuck... What am I gonna do?" He runs his fingers through his hair. He almost tears up but he can hold it in, telling himself not to give his bullies one more reason to pick on him.

"Aw, I'm sorry." Kirstie puts a hand on Scott's shoulder, looking at him with a sad expression. "I just thought, he never did anything to you personally, so I just... Do you want to go to Mrs. Moreau to fix this, see what she can do?"

Scott just shakes his head. Kirstie's right - Mitch has never treated him any less than other students he wasn't friends with, and he definitely didn't push him into lockers and call him a fag, ugh, Scott hates that word so much.

"I guess I'll have to try. Maybe- maybe he's actually nice." Scott doesn't even believe what he's saying himself, but who knows, there is a small chance that Mitch isn't quite that asshole.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. It'll be fine. And you know you can always call me if something goes wrong and I'll be there in a second."

"Thank you, Kirst. You're the best."

"You're my best friend, Scottland. Of course I'm there."

Scott looks at his schedule - Math, ugh. Scott isn't really the nerdy type, he's overall really good at school but he just hates everything that has nothing to do with arts and languages. He is an artsy type, and he's perfectly happy with that.

Oh. Math also means Mitch. They are in the same class.

After promising Kirstie to give her a ride after school he reluctantly walks to the classroom. Ever since he got the news about being a tutor he hasn't seen Mitch, this would be the first time. Of course, if Mitch comes after all, he's known for skipping the majority of his classes. He probably feels too cool with his tattoos and his black emo hairstyle and his expensive clothes. He isn't even that hot, Scott has no idea what everyone's on about, saying how Mitch is the hottest guy in school.

Okay, so maybe that last bit is a lie. Scott knows damn well what they mean by saying Mitch is hot as fuck. He himself thinks Mitch is hot as fuck, but he would never admit it. Not even to Kirstie, his irrational, stupid, small crush is his dirty little secret. Still, that fact doesn't make it any better that he has to work with him now.

He scans the class as he enters the room, looking out for a particular brunette, probably wearing another leather jacket from his collection. And there he is, at the very back of the class, his leather jacket draped on the chair, revealing his black Metallica t-shirt. He has his feet on the desk, crossed, as are his arms in front of his chest. Ah, this attitude. Scott already knows that this is the first thing he needs to work on with him.

Mr. Murray enters the classroom, dropping his binders and books on the table.

"So, class, I need to talk to you about something, but first of all, Grassi, sit down properly."

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