CH 24

677 59 14

A/N: Flashback.


Mitch is standing in the middle of the basement in his old apartment. The walls are gray, so is the floor, as well as everything around him. At the very top there's a row of windows, but it just allows a tiny bit of light into the room, not enough to make it bright but enough to see where you're going. Mitch hears footsteps and casual whistling. He backs into the wall, wanting to escape but he can't. He's been in this situation before, he knows what it's going to be like but his twelve year-old self is too terrified to try to escape. He knows he can't.

"Mitchell?" His mother asks, her voice coming closer and closer, the footsteps getting louder. She comes around the corner, her face brightening up, seeing Mitch breathing heavily, pressed against the wall. "How are you doing, honey?"

Mitch can barely make out the words, his heart is thumping too loudly, making his ears buzz and his head feel dizzy. His mom holds out a hand, standing now directly in front of him, carefully patting his cheek.

"You know," she begins, her eyes glinting, her mouth twitching into a lopsided smirk. "You're my boy. You're my favorite boy, you know that? I want you to remember that I love you, and I only want what's best for you."

Mitch just stares back at her, unable to move, paralyzed by fear. She holds out her hand again, but this time she puts it on Mitch's stomach, frowning.

"You're very skinny, boy," she notices. "Here." She gets a few slices of bread out of the bag she's been holding. "Eat. All of it."

Mitch wants to throw up at the sight. Not because he hates bread, but because it's just bread, it's been just bread for two weeks now, and he can't even swallow that. It's too dry, he has to ration his small bottle of water, but aside from that he just can't swallow it because his anxiety and fear are tying up his stomach, making it impossible for him to eat.

Her hazel eyes pierce through him demandingly. "Eat," she repeats. Mitch winces, but he eats it. All three slices.

His mother waits for him to finish, and as soon as he does, she smiles, holding out a bottle of water. "Here. Drink."

He takes a sip of it. He knows he'll need the rest throughout the day.

"Th- thank you," he mutters.

"Good. Mitchell. You've been bad, I hope you know that."

He quickly nods his head. "Y-yes, ma'am."

"Turn around."

She doesn't even wait for him to position himself properly before she slams her palm onto his small, frail body. He screams in pain, but she grips him harshly, turning him around. Tears are blurring his vision as he sucks in a quiet sob.

"No screaming. You understand? We don't want the neighbors to hear. Do you wanna be taken away? Put into a foster home, taken away from that loving family that you have?"

Mitch wants to say yes, he really wants to. But the moment she slaps him he knows that even with his hesitation he took it too far.

"Answer!" He screams.

"No!" He shouts back, his voice shaky. He brings his hand up to feel his now hot and reddened cheek.

"Good." She smiles, but slaps him again. That's when he wakes up with a scream and tears running down his cheeks. He quickly wipes them away, already feeling Scott sit up and lean over to turn the night light on.

"Mitchy, shh... Mitchy... What happened?"

He has a hand on Mitch's back, running it up and down carefully in comfort.

"I- I don't-" His voice is still shaky and breaks with the last word. "I don't wanna talk about it..." he whispers instead.

Scott, instead of answering, pulls him to lay back down, but he has his arms around him now protectively, making Mitch feel safe. This is the moment he realizes he's never felt safer in anyone's arms before. He wants to back away, not used to being so close to anybody, but for once he's too tired to fight against himself, so he just lets it happen and enjoys every second of it. The way Scott's steady breathing is calming him down, the way he's softly rocking him back and forth, the way his body is so close to his, the way he can feel his heat...

"You're safe with me," Scott whispers. "No one's gonna hurt you ever again, I promise."

"I wish you could keep that promise..." Mitch mumbles more to himself, but Scott hears him anyway. But again, he doesn't answer but hugs him closer and presses a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Do you wanna get up, watch TV or something to distract yourself?" Scott offers after a moment of silence. Mitch just shakes his head.

"No. I wanna stay here..." And have you cuddle me like that.

"Okay, whatever makes you feel better, love." Another kiss to his forehead before Scott yawns and closes his eyes, nuzzling into Mitch's shoulder.



"I love you."

But Scott already fell asleep.

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