CH 39

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"Mitchy- oh- f-fuck..." Scott moans, grinding his hips against Mitch's. They just came home from shopping, Scott has been really horny the whole time, whispering dirty stuff into his boyfriend's ear, and now they're on their shared bed, kissing, making out.

Scott's hands trail down Mitch's spine, staying on his plump ass, squeezing it, making Mitch part from the kiss to let out a soft whimper. He's already hard, his pants are way too tight and he needs to get rid of them soon. But Scott slips his hand under his underwear, running his finger along his hole.

"Oh my god," Mitch moans, starting to kiss Scott's neck. He sucks on a bit of skin, making sure to leave a love bite. Scott throws his head back, giving him more access, enjoying being touched. He needs it so badly.

He reaches down to palm Mitch through his pants, feeling him hard against his hand. Mitch thrusts into him, starting to unbutton Scott's shirt. He needs to get him naked as soon as possible. God, he's so hot...

"Scott..." Mitch whines as he's stuck on the last button. "Take this off."

The blonde boy just shakes his head.

"You first. I know you like it..."

He pulls Mitch in to kiss him again, adding tongue so the kiss is sloppy but hot nonetheless. He rolls them both over so he's on top of the smaller boy, without breaking the kiss, but now he pulls his shirt up over his head, leaving him shirtless and then he gets to work on his pants.

"I want you naked," Scott growls, his voice an octave deeper than usual. That voice makes Mitch even harder, which he didn't think was possible. Scott grips the waistband of Mitch's underwear and tugs it down as well. He's painfully hard and leaking, Scott notices, so he leans down, licking the come off of his dick. Mitch is long gone, fisting the bed sheets, letting out soft pants and moans. "Oh my god," Scott breathes, just looking at Mitch. "You're so hot, baby. So, so sexy. Fuck... I want you."

He positions himself between his legs, spreading them apart.

"Fuck... You're beautiful. So ready for me."

He puts one up on his shoulder, then trails his finger along his hole, teasing him.

"You want it, don't you?"

Mitch just nods, biting his lip, suppressing another loud moan. He tries to thrust against Scott's hand, but he pulls it away again.

"Nuh-huh baby. I'm in charge. Hold still."

Mitch complies, and Scott slowly pushes one finger into the boy.

"Mitchy, you're so tight. You sure you can handle me?"

"F-fucking move!" Mitch pants, throwing his head back in pleasure as Scott starts finger fucking him. Soon, he adds a second finger and a third. "I'm close!"

"Wow, where's your stamina, boy? I'm not done with you yet."

He takes out his fingers, earning a whimper. He ignores it, instead standing up and getting rid of his clothes in a matter of seconds before he straddles Mitch again.

"You ready, baby?" He growls again. Mitch just nods, unable to speak. "Here we go." He pulls both of Mitch's legs up onto his shoulder, then he aligns with his hole and slowly pushes in. He doesn't want to hurt Mitch, but he's so tempted to just fuck him into the mattress. Mitch is just so perfectly... Fuckable.

He waits for Mitch to adjust, and when the smaller boy nods he starts moving his hips, and Mitch takes all of it, moaning, panting, screaming. Scott groans too, but both of their moans are interrupted by occasional kisses, and soon enough, both are very dangerously close.

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