CH 18

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A/N: I'm sorry, but I promise it makes sense for the plot.

"Fuck, yes," Mitch moans against Kirstie's lips, pushing her hard against the wall. He's grinding his hips against her, pressing his problem against her crotch. Their lips meet in a hot kiss, she bites down on Mitch's bottom lip, letting a moan escape her mouth. This is wrong, she knows that. But she just wants to live a little. Have a little fun. She's definitely had one too many, or two too many, maybe even three, it's okay if she makes a mistake. So she pushes Mitch while still gripping onto him, letting him fall on the bed. They part for a moment, Kirstie hovering over him, straddling him. She wants to give in so badly... He's so hot and she wants him. Mitch looks at her and he can see it in her eyes, the smallest hint of insecurity. But he shakes it off, telling himself that it's nothing. Instead of worrying, he grabs onto her boobs, making her moan and take everything back she wanted to say. This is definitely the best thing to ever happen to her.

"Yes Mitch!" She moans, starting to lift his shirt up. He lets go of her boobs to take off his shirt but grabs and squeezes them again as soon as he can. They feel so good... They're so big, and ugh. Soft. His hands wander down to the rim of her top, helping her take it off as well. She's wearing a nice, lacy bra. It feels really soft on Mitch's hands, he likes that. But Kirstie doesn't have time to waste - she immediately gets to work, pulling down Mitch's zipper and letting her hand into his pants, under the underwear. He winces as soon as she grips around his hard dick, beginning to stroke it. She has no idea what she's doing, but she trusts on the alcohol to guide her. She seems to be pleasing Mitch, though, telling by the way his hands drop from her boobs and he grips the sheets, closing his eyes and biting his bottom lip.

He groans, bucking his hips against her hand. He needs more friction, he needs more in general, so he lets go of the sheets and starts tugging down his pants until he's lying on the bed completely naked. But Kirstie isn't, this isn't fair.

"T-take off your clothes," he pants. Her hand is still squeezing his cock so he grips the bedsheets again, hoping not to be too loud. Kirstie looks around the room, looking a bit insecure but soon enough she decides that it's for the best to not think and just do it. She stands up from the bed, taking off her pants first. She's just in her underwear now, she's never been so exposed to a boy before. And he's watching her, his dick obviously liking what he sees. She reaches behind her back, undoing the clasp of her bra, taking a deep breath before letting it fall to the ground. She quickly pulls off her panties and straddles Mitch again, not giving him enough time to look at her standing. He's hesitant, but he touches her boobs again as she bents down to capture his lips in a hot kiss.

"Let's do it," Mitch whispers in between kisses before he starts kissing her neck. He makes sure to leave hickeys, mark her, let everyone know what a lucky girl she is.


"Come on..."


She stands up, letting Mitch stand up too. He goes to where his pants are on the floor, getting a small bottle and a condom. At least he's prepared.

"Do you carry that around everywhere?" Kirstie asks confusedly.

"What?" Mitch frowns, then he realizes what she meant. "Oh. No, of course not. I mean yes. Maybe."

He rolls the condom on and squeezes some lube into his palm, spreading it on his dick. Kirstie covers her chest with her arms, feeling too exposed.

"Um... Mitch?"

"Yeah?" He looks up at her curiously.

"Maybe we... we shouldn't do it."

He frowns. "What do you mean?"

She bites her lip. "I don't want to have sex... Yet..."

"Oh..." Mitch looks down at his already prepared self, scrunching his eyebrows, trying to think. "You sure?"

Kirstie nods. "Yes. Yes, I'm sure."

She's scared. She doesn't know how he'll react, so far nothing happened but she doesn't know him. He might freak out in a couple of seconds and force her to, for all she knows. But he doesn't. Instead, he takes the condom back off, takes Kirstie's clothes from the floor and hands them to her.

"I'm sorry..." She whispers. Mitch does think she's hot, but he feels it too. Something is very off. And he thinks he knows exactly what. He isn't drunk enough to have sex with a girl... With a gender he's not attracted to, at all. Not even Kirstie can break this. He sighs, resigned, as Kirstie takes the clothes and throws them on hastily, Mitch following suit with his own.

"Don't apologize. Scott would've probably killed me if I actually slept with you."

"Fuck Scott."

That's the plan.

"So... are we gonna go home now?"

Mitch checks his invisible watch. "It's already late. I think we should. Do you have a ride?"

Kirstie shakes her head. "No, I was gonna walk..."

"Bullshit. I'm calling you an uber." He gets his phone out of his pocket and starts dialing a number.

"How are you gonna get home?"

"I'll walk."

Kirstie frowns, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Are you kidding me right now?"

"Why?" He raises his eyebrows, making Kirstie sigh.

"First you tell me I can't walk and now you're going to walk?"

"Well, I can't call Scott."

"Why not?"

Shit. He shouldn't have said anything. No one's supposed to know that he even knows Scott, not to mention lives with him.

"He's fast asleep. And he gets mad if I wake him up."

Kirstie seems to contemplate but eventually just shrugs. "True, kinda."

Mitch calls an uber that is thankfully close and arrives five minutes later. They both get in, but now the awkwardness slowly kicks in. The car ride is silent, except for the soft music playing from the radio.

"Mitch?" Kirstie says after a while, breaking the silence.

Mitch just looks at her, not saying anything.

"I might not look like it, but... if you ever hurt Scott in any way, I'll hurt you. You were nice to me today, but I won't hesitate one second."

"Um..." What do you say to a threat? "Okay, I guess? I'm not planning on hurting him, so..."



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