CH 35

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Scott and Mitch have just arrived at their final destination - a small wooden hut with all essentials like a bed, a small kitchen, a bathroom, even a couch and a small TV! It all looks very cozy, and Mitch feels right at home the moment he steps into the little house.

"Oh my god!" He shouts excitedly. "This is so cute!"

Scott giggles, closing the door behind them. The drive has been exhausting, eleven hours with just bathroom breaks and one longer break to get some lunch. It's now 7 pm, and to be completely honest all Scott would like to do is just jump on the bed and fall asleep like a rock but he can't leave Mitch to unpack alone.

"Do you like it? We used to come here when I was little," Scott asks after a while.

"I love it!" Mitch runs up to him, capturing him in a tight hug before he catches himself and pulls away, awkwardly clearing his throat. "Uh, sorry, I- I didn't mean-"

"Don't apologize for hugging me, Mitchy," Scott says, his smile reassuring. "Anyways, do you wanna sleep, watch something, have some dinner, though I don't really know if we have anything left and the nearest store is like half an hour away and they close at eight."

Mitch just shakes his head, a content smile on his face. "No, I'm happy. Full and happy. Just... Did I see a small lake when we drove by?"

"Yeah! It's like a five minute walk, do you wanna go?"

Mitch's face lights up and Scott's heart stutters at the sight. He's so goddamn beautiful.

"Yes please!" He claps his hands like a little kid. "I wanna go!"

"Alright." Scott chuckles again. "Put on your bathing suit then, we might wanna take a dip. We need to hurry though, I don't want it to get dark."

Though Mitch secretly wanted to tick something off of his bucket list he complies, going into the bathroom to change into his plain black bathing shorts and brush his teeth, just in case, you never know. He also feels like something has rotten inside of his mouth, so he would've had to, anyway. He runs his finger across his collarbone tattoo and huffs softly, a small smile spreading on his lips. He likes what he's done with his body. This feels comfortable, this is him. And he loves the fact that he doesn't regret one single tattoo, and he knows Scott loves them too. And if physical attraction is all he can get from his crush, then that's still better than nothing.

With a smile, he exits the bathroom, going straight to his bags to grab a towel when he hears Scott gasp. He raises an eyebrow at him.

"What's wrong?"

"N- nothing, I-" he trails off, not knowing what he was going for in the first place.

Mitch wants to throw in a confident remark, ask Scott if he likes what he sees but he catches himself just in time to drop the topic.

"So, you ready?"

Scott just nods, his cheeks tinted slightly pink.

"Then let's go."

They lock the door, going down a stony path until they finally arrive at the lake. And it's not even as small as Mitch had expected. He immediately trows the towel to the ground, running for the water but winces once his foot touches the water.

"Scotty!" He whines. "You didn't mention how ice cold this water is!"

Scott is right behind Mitch, a hand on his back, keeping him steady, but he slowly trails it down until he just lets it fall. Is this too much?

"I'm sorry, I thought I told you, but we're in the mountains so it's kinda normal." He checks the water with his toe. "That's actually not bad, it's been colder."

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