CH 37

698 52 2

A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a week and this is kinda short but I've been really busy with school plus I kinda had writer's block but I hope I'll be able to write some more in the next couple of days!
Also on another note, the video for Guy.exe is everything omfg

"Why the fuck did I wait for so long..." Scott mutters against Mitch's lips, kissing him again and again. Both their lips are numb and swollen by now but none of them care - it feels too good to be lost in someone's kisses. It's just them now, nothing else exists but them and it feels like time doesn't matter, in fact nothing does except for Scott and Mitch.

"I-" Kiss. "Wow." Kiss. "Scotty."

Scott pecks his boyfriend's lips once more before locking eyes with him, all the love that he feels shown in his face. His eyes are sparkling with something new, glinting in excitement, happiness. His smile is soft, but just enough to express that he's the happiest he's ever been in his entire life, lying next to Mitch in bed, just looking at him. He runs his fingers through the brunette's hair.


Mitch blushes softly. Scott loves the fact that he thinks he never blushes but he actually does. But he would never tell him, because he knows Mitch would be embarrassed, no matter how cute Scott thinks it is.

"Nothing, I..." Mitch looks down, picking at the comforter. "I just can't believe this... Is actually happening. I bet I'm just gonna wake up and it was all just a dream."

"Hey, baby..." Scott cups his face. "Look at me. This is real life. And I'm sorry... I should've told you before but I was so damn scared..."

"No, I completely get it." He shakes his head. "I know that you were, and it's okay. I'm glad you decided to... To confess to me this morning. Somehow, even if you weren't supposed to hear me last night I guess it all turned out just perfect.

"It really did." He leans in, kissing the corner of Mitch's mouth. "I'm so lucky."

Mitch giggles, shoving Scott's chest playfully. "Shut up, Mr. Hottie Scotty."

"Hottie Scotty?" Scott laughs. "That's a new one."

"Okay, stop," Mitch says smiling but obviously flustered. "Enough with that touchy feely stuff."

"Alright, queen, none of that gay stuff." Scott laughs at his own joke which Mitch thinks is the most adorable thing he's ever seen. But he would never say that aloud. Instead, he just smiles.

"Come here, boyfriend," he finally says, wrapping his arms around Scott and pulling him closer to press a long, firm kiss to his lips. "Thank you, again. For bringing me here."

"I love spending time with you," Scott just says, kissing the tip of Mitch's nose, making him scrunch it. He's too cute, so Scott does it one more time, giggling afterwards. "Is there anything specific you'd like to do while we're here?"

Mitch bites his lip when he thinks about it. There's one thing, for sure, but he can't say that right now because it's weird and it would ruin the mood, so he just shakes his head. "Nope. Nothing particular."

"Okay, so I'm just gonna cuddle you all day." Scott shrugs and wraps Mitch in his arms, kissing his temple softly. Mitch giggles, trying to loosen Scott's tight grip.

"Scotty!" He whines after a while.

Scott finally lets go of Mitch, pecking his cheek. "Wanna actually go swimming now? The water should be warmer, too, it's afternoon."

Mitch nods. "Sure."

"By the way," Scott remembers suddenly. "You still have that one wish thing. Tell me what you need, baby."

"I..." Mitch remembers what he was so upset about last night. All he wanted was for Scott to kiss him, to get one last kiss before he would decide to friend zone him forever but now... " He smiles. "I... Want a kiss."

"Alright. Anything for my princess."

Mitch closes his eyes, puckers his lips and waits for a kiss but when nothing happens he peeks at Scott, only to find him looking at Mitch with a soft smile on his face.

"Um... Scotty?"

Scott shakes his head, being zapped back to reality.

"Oh, a kiss, sure."

He leans in, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Mitch is about to sigh in frustration but Scott starts trailing kisses across his face, to his cheekbone, his eyelids, down to his nose and finally he lets his lips linger on Mitch's. It doesn't take long for him to start kissing him properly, taking Mitch's bottom lip between his, sucking, pulling, kissing him with all that he has. He pulls away after a long while, leaving both of them breathless.

"Let's go down to the lake, yeah?" Scott whispers after a while of silence. Mitch just nods.

"Yeah." He leans in, giving one last peck to Scott before he finally stands up to get ready.

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