IV- Detention

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Monday morning comes way too soon even though I finally feel back to normal.

"So whose house are we going to next?" Jenny asks at our lockers. For the first time since we started back to school, she isn't late.

Bee joins us just as Jenny said that. "Not my house, it took me forever to clean up," Bee says while putting her hair in a high ponytail.

"We'll figure it out. I had fun though, I think we should do that at least every month." Now that's an idea I can get behind.

"That would be fun!" I say. Dean's hand squeezes mine a little tighter than normal but I ignore it.

Everyone disperses to their class, leaving Dean and I. "We should skip his class." Dean says suggestively.

He wraps his arms around my waist in an attempt to pull me closer, "No he already doesn't like us. Skipping his class is not the way to go. Now, come on." I try to pull away but he holds me in place.

Licking his lips he says, "Not before I do this." Then he kisses me as if he has something to prove.

Right after we pull away he looks up. I follow his gaze to see Mr. Morgan standing in the doorway. His arms are crossed and his stare is icy. I am the first to walk into class with Dean following in suit. We make it to our seat quietly.

Mr. Morgan stands up and begins the class. I'm honestly surprised he didn't say anything to either of us but I'm not complaining. As he speaks I try to pay attention. Something about the civil war and how bad it was, death and despair, etc.

"I will be assigning partners for your first project. I will be handing out slips with your name on it, your partner's name, and your roles in the civil war. Your job is to research that role I gave you and how it either helped or hurt the civil war. Throughout the rest of the week, I will be going more into depth on the project." He continues to hand out our slips. When he hands me mine I look at the partner's name. Hunter Simmons, I glance up to him. I know who he is but I've never actually talked to him before. Regardless I wave at him and hand him my number so we can work on our projects. Hunter accepts with a small smile.

When the bell rings I stand quickly, trying to escape before he- "Gardner and Cooper stay behind."- calls my name.

Both of us grudgingly walk to the front of his desk. He writes two slips and hands them to us. Mine says detention 3 pm-4 pm, Mr. Morgan. I glance at Dean's it says the same thing only the teacher's name is different. "Why do I have Mrs. Hanson?" Dean asks.

"To keep you two apart even if it's for an hour." Mr. Morgan deadpans.

"Great." Dean rolls his eyes beside me.

I grab Dean's hand and guide him out of the classroom. Once we're out of Mr. Morgan's earshot Dean says, "I hate that guy so much!"

"It's fine, just calm down." I try but he's already worked up. Dean's had anger issues since I met him.

I notice his clenched jaw and his hand squeezing mine a little too hard. I ignore the slight pain, "Dean listen to me, It's not a big deal let's just get through it okay?" I stop and force him to look at me. His blue eyes are flooded with anger but the more he looks at me, the more it fades.

"You're right I'm sorry I got you in trouble." He apologizes.

I laugh, "It's okay you just have to remember not to make out with me in the hallways."

We begin walking again when he says, "It's just so hard."

After school, Jenny comes up to me while I'm on my way to detention. "You know the exit is that way right?" She points to the opposite direction.

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