VIII- Teacher Assistant

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The next few days I show up to class on time and don't get detention. Dean got his over with and said it was the most boring hour of his life. Apparently, Dean didn't even get busy work like me.

I've noticed Mr. Morgan eyeing me wearily as if to make sure Dean hasn't hurt me again. The whole time I've kept my distance with Dean and it looked as if Mr. Morgan was trying to figure out if I had forgiven him or not. I don't see why he spends so much time trying to figure my life out.

The bruises are still there, now a bright yellow. It makes me a little aggravated because it's still hot out and I'm forced to wear long sleeves. Thank god for air conditioning. "Ms. Gardner will you see me after class please?" Mr. Morgan calls once the bell rings.

"I need to get to class." I protest once all the students except Dean have left.

"I'll write you a note." He counters looking over at Dean. Dean takes the hint and leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

I stand in front of his desk with my arms crossed over my chest, "Since when did we go back to formalities?" I ask to which he doesn't answer.

"You two fixed your problems I see." Mr. Morgan's comment causes me to roll my eyes.

"Is this really why you held me after? I'm going to class, Mr. Morgan."

I don't make it two steps before he stops me. "Come back, that's not why." Mr. Morgan meets my gaze when he says, "I'll make this quick. The principal has made a new program for all of the AP teachers to take some of the pressure off. We're supposed to pick a peer tutor or TA for the year. I picked you."

My mouth opens in shock, "Why me?"

"Because you were efficient in detention. I also read your report for the civil war project. You and Mr. Simmons did a very good job. You're smart Livia, I think you'd be a good TA." I take note that he didn't say my last name this time. Does he honestly think I should be his TA?

He tells me that the decision is completely mine and I would just be helping him out after school. Once he's done he writes me a late note and hands it to me. "I'll think about it," I promise.

Walking out I shut the door and find that Dean is still waiting for me. He puts his arm over my shoulder as we walk down the hall, "What was that about?"

I shrug, "Oh nothing, he just wants me to be his TA for extra credit."

Dean stops and turns to look at me, "Are you going to do it?" His tone seems a little off but I ignore it.

"I don't know, maybe," I say honestly.

I start walking again but he stops me, "Wait you're not seriously thinking about this are you?"

"Yes, I am. It's not your call if I do or not." I defend, he doesn't get to talk to me like that after we were finally going back to normal.

Dean tenses, "Whatever, get your own ride home then." Before I can respond he makes a left into his next classroom. I didn't even realize we had made it.

I shake it off, he doesn't get to control me.

Dean doesn't meet me after any of my classes or for lunch. I don't know what's going on with him lately but it worries me. He's never acted so strangely before.

"Knock Knock," I say as I knock on Mr. Morgan's already open door.

"Come in, Livia." Mr. Morgan grants and I walk in moving a chair beside his desk.

"So I guess this means you want to be my new TA?"

"Yeah, I guess I do," I answer looking for something to do. "So what do you need help with?"

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