XXVI- Check In

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Livia's P.O.V.

The next few days have been strange to say the least. In history, Mr. Morgan has been making us deal with a sub. I know I'm not owed an explanation but it's not like him to miss school for three days. Not to mention the sub is terrible.

Dean is still keeping his distance from me and going to therapy twice a week. So now that the weekend is up I'm setting out to find Mr. Morgan and beg him to come back on Monday. Maybe this is a bad idea but I've already made plenty of those lately.

I summon the courage and knock on his door. The wait gives me time to think about how stupid it is showing up to his house. Then again it's not like I have a number to text.

When Shawn opens the door his hair is wet and he's only in sweats. I've got to stop showing up when he's half naked. "Hey Mr. Morgan." I smile awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" He opens the door, gesturing for me to come in. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I would've called but I don't have your number." Once I step inside he shuts the door and leans against it. I turn to him, "You haven't been to school. I was just making sure you were okay." Saying it out loud confirms how ridiculous I am.

His cool demeanor makes me think something is wrong but he just replies with, "Did you miss me?" He's being arrogant.

"Maybe this was a bad idea." I make a move to leave but Shawn stops me.

"Give me your phone." He takes it and puts his number in it before texting himself and handing it back. "What are you doing today?" His eyes soften.

I don't want to tell him for fear of hurting his feelings but I can't lie. "I was going to check in on Dean." I'm his girlfriend, it's the right thing to do.

Shawn nods, "I see."

"You seem mad..." I told him last week that I was trying to work things out with him.

Shawn steps aside from his door with a heavy sigh, "I'm not mad, Livia. I understand that he's your boyfriend." Suddenly I wonder if he's been out of school because of me.

"Am I-am I the reason you haven't been in school?"

I can't read his expression, "Not everything is always about you." I'm taken aback by his words, I don't understand why he's acting so distant.

"If there's one thing Dean has taught me it's that. I'll see you at school Mr. Morgan." I grab the handle and begin to open the door. I shouldn't have come here.

He curses from behind me, "Shit, Livia wait!" Shawn pushes the door close and turns me to face him. "I'm sorry but what do you want from me? I'm not good enough for you but that asshole is?" He's so close to me but he's so angry at me.

"As I recall you kissed me. I never asked for you to get in my business." My anger builds with him, he doesn't get to be rude to me for no reason.

Shawn laughs dryly, "You never stopped me and you know why? It's because you know Dean can never measure up. You're holding onto something that isn't there and for what? So he can hit you again?"

I pull out of his grasp, "He doesn't mean it." I have to believe that, It's the only thing I have left.

"I don't believe you. People like him need someone to control. Has he ever not made a decision for you? Have you ever been able to truly think for yourself?"

My voice is barely audible when I ask, "Why are you saying these things?"

"Because it's the truth. You're not a child and you have to understand that there's nothing between you and Dean anymore."

I shake my head, "You're wrong, there's nothing between us anymore." I open the door and walk out without turning around to see if Shawn is watching me.  Tears begin to run down my face but I quickly wipe them away. There's no point in crying over him, he's not my boyfriend and he never will be.

I knock on Dean's door just like I had knocked on Shawn's earlier. Dean answers with disheveled blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He's the opposite of Mr. Morgan, so very different. "Livia, hey."

"Hey, how are you?" I ask. "You haven't called me."

He leans against the doorway with his arms folded across his chest. "I thought you wanted space."

I nod, looking down at my hands, "I did, well, I do. I know it's only been a week but I want to know how it's going."

Dean smiles his boyish smile at me. It's something I never realized how much I missed. "I miss you too." He says.

I sigh, "That obvious huh?"

Dean walks onto his porch and wraps his arms around me in a hug. I hug him back before we pull away. "Our anniversary is coming up soon. We should go out, then I can show you I'm trying."

With everything going on I almost forgot about our anniversary. It's exactly three years next Saturday. "That will be really nice." I admit.

"I'll keep focusing on myself until then but, I'll see you at school Monday." Dean reaches down and kisses my cheek.

We say our goodbyes and I head home. This is going to work, Shawn was wrong.

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