XXV- Katherine

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Here you go my lovelies another chapter enjoy!


After quite the show Bee and I decided that Jenny might need to be alone so we leave. It was already dark out so I took Bee home and thanked her for coming out with me.

At school all I want to know is how Dean's appointment went. I know there couldn't have been much progress in one session but it's a start. So far he's been doing what I asked, keeping his distance from me. I must admit it's been weird not having Dean constantly beside me but I just remember that he's getting the help he needs.

"Hey Mr. Morgan." I greet as I walk in after school.

His typing comes to a stop when I walk in. "Livia...hey."

"I'm sorry I didn't come in yesterday I, well, I got my license!" I smile wide as I tell him the news.

He smiles at me, giving me his undivided attention, "That's great. Although I'm going to miss taking you home." I want to pry but decide against it.

Instead I grab my chair and begin my work as usual. He watches my every move, "I've been meaning to ask you something." My curiosity grows as I gesture for him to go ahead and ask. "Are you and Dean..." He trails off trying to gather his thoughts. "...It's just that I couldn't help but notice he isn't as tenacious."

He looks adorable trying to ask me without making things awkward. "Did we break up?" He nods. "No, I told him I needed space while he got professional help."

Mr. Morgan's eyebrows draw in, in confusion, "What?"

"He showed up at my door the other day to apologize and I told him it would take more. He promised to go see a therapist and so far he's been respecting the space I need." Mr. Morgan leans back in his chair. His face is full of emotions that I can't decipher. Regardless of what his face isn't telling me, I know what he's dying to say. "Just say it." I sigh, stopping my work.

"Say what?"

"Say what you always say. That I'm stupid for forgiving him even though I haven't exactly." I can tell I caught him off guard but he doesn't miss a beat in his response.

"First of all, I never said you were stupid. Second of all, I don't have anything to say." Mr. Morgan lies.

I scoff, "Bullshit."

"Bullshit?" He questions. "Fine Livia, I can't believe you actually think he's going to change with a little therapy." The way he says therapy makes me feel like I'm naive. Maybe I am but I'm not ready to give up on him. Especially since I'm not innocent either.

I push my hair behind my ear, "The very fact that he's getting help proves he's willing to change."

My arguments don't change his mind in the slightest, "Do you really believe that? Or is it just a ploy to get you back?"

"A ploy? I'm not some prize he's winning for getting help. I'm trying to help him get over his issues so we can go back to normal." My voice stopped being level two sentences ago, I can't help my anger building. All I've ever wanted was for us to go back to normal.

Mr. Morgan chuckles humorlessly, "That's just it Livia, you are a prize. He wants to control you because that's what's normal to him." He then stands up and walks over to me. When Mr. Morgan leans down, he's so close to me that my heart starts pounding. "So tell me, will you come to me the next time he hurts you?"

His question racks my brain, I guess I deserve that considering I did it once before. Still, I can't think straight with his proximity. "I-" I don't get anything else out before his lips are on mine. I immediately lean into his kiss like it's the first time. Although this kiss is different from what I'm used to. It's slow, calculated, he knows exactly what he's doing to me and I'm completely helpless. When he pulls away I feel empty and I hate myself for craving more.

"What was that for?" I ask breathlessly.

He smirks against my lips, "To show you that you don't have to wait."

I know he means for me to need him again and his words alone give me goosebumps. "What if I do?"

"Then you know where to find me." Mr. Morgan stands up and goes back over to his desk. I stay completely still, trying to comprehend what just happened. "Get back to work, Livia." He says in an amused tone.

"I'm trying to work things out with Dean."

"I know, get back to work." He repeats only this time he's not so amused.

Shawn's P.O.V.

I'm not surprised to find that she forgave Dean. They've been together for so long that in the end she will always be his.

A part of me wants to be the guy who shows her that there are good guys out there. I could just help her until she leaves Dean. Then go back to being strictly professional. It's so hard when I'm around her but it will be for the best. Nothing can come of Livia and I. Nothing good anyway, and once she understands that we both can move on.

Once Livia leaves, I grab my stuff and begin walking out. My phone rings so I shuffle to find it. "Hello?" I say into the other line.

"Hello Kevin." I freeze at her voice.

"How did you get my number?" I moved here to get a fresh start, to get away from her and what happened between us.

She sounds accomplished when she replies, "Your mom gave it to me. She's really sweet, I don't understand why you hate her so much." I'm curious as to how she found my mom but I guess with today's technology it's not that hard.

I decided not to comment on my mom issues, "I thought you were at Key Point." Last time I checked Katherine went into rehab not long after I left.

She laughs, "They let you out once you're clean Kevin."

"Don't call me that, It's Shawn now." I tell her.

Katherine sighs on the other end, "Would you prefer if we went back to Mr. Morgan?" I remember so vividly, her being my student.

"What do you want?"

"I don't like how we left off last year. I just want to see you." I didn't leave on good terms. I packed my bags, quit my job, and I moved here. All so she could find me with one phone call from my mom.

"Leave me alone." I say before hanging up.

If Katherine finds out about Livia and I then my career is as good as over.

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